Angel Haze

Songtext Impossible Angel Haze


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Der musikalische text IMPOSSIBLE von ANGEL HAZE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Back to the woods (2015)

Back to the woods



There is no part of me left in my brain
I am outside it, man I can't complain
I have seen so much you cannot contain
Or even create or even explain
Fuckboy I'm wild as a buck in the rain
Wild as a fox who be runnin' with rabies
Wild as that pedo that's scopin' your block out for months
Cause he's plannin' to eat all your babies
Sorry I'm crazy, but I open my third eye
And the view is amazing
I mean poppin' them bars can turn blues into greys
And I say what I mean and I do what I say
Do you know all the things I could do in a day?
I'm prohibited, nigga, I usually stay
With bitches whose daddies keep two in the safe
Cry for the kid 'til they're blue in the face
Hop on the jet then I flew out the states
Laid on a beach with a view of my face
Considered suicide, I do that these days
I thought about what I could do with my grave
Google search how to make a grenade
Toggle my aim, scribble some names
Took a few breaths, blew out some steam
And I sent that shit out and I blew up the game

I am a little bit out of my brain
Man this shit's a problem, man this shit's a problem, man
I just threw, did you not understand?
That this shit's a problem, man this shit's a problem, man
I just rose from my ashes again
Defeat all my obstacles, 'feat all my obstacles
There is nothin' that can't hold me down
This shit is impossible, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man

I am a sickness, man: I am a cancer
See, I know the devil, man: I am his handler
You should not try it, man I have your soul
I really show you the realm of disaster
I am a junkie for fuckin' semantics
I smoke all the flowers, I fill out the pasture
I got my middle finger up to white America
But tryin' to whitewash my blackness
Fuck you, you could never break me
What you mean, my nigga?
Thought I told you I'm not human
I'm machine, my nigga
Go brrratata, boom, bop, bop, bang, bang, bang, my nigga
Think these honkies here don't got us on no genes, my nigga
When it all falls down, I'm a free soul
Now can't nobody take that from me
Not a price in the world, not a diamond or pearl
Ain't a lot that could take that for free
I am wild in the jungle with Tarzan and George
Chillin' high in the trees with a bundle of whores
And I only come back home for fun when I'm bored
Bitch, I'm made from the flowers, I just rose from the thorns

I am a little bit out of my brain
Man this shit's a problem, man this shit's a problem, man
I just threw, do you not understand?
That this shit's a problem, man this shit's a problem, man
I just go through my options again
Defeat all my obstacles, 'feat all my obstacles
There is nothin' that can't hold me down
This shit is impossible, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man
It's impossible, man
Shit, shit, shit is impossible, man

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