
Songtext Supersize me Tyga


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Supersize me

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

Oh my, must I been in a coma?
Cuban chicks lookin my way cuz I'm so fly
Right now, Should I approached him like
How was you uh, attacked like a cobra
Like some guys
But I aint the type ma,
I super thirst my girst
All hyped up (What's up?)
More words than you can think of
Ferrel, flashy, young and almost famed up (GY)
GA the man ya sah
Rent for the real price please sir? (No charge) Thank you
Now That's me directing like All Star
Songs with simileys making you smell like Karma
Cops, Cards, me fake ID
Prolly in the glove compart, I'm sorry

Underaged, so you can't charge
But officer, no autograph yall
Cuz I

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

I gotta super size me (Haha)
I gotta super size me (I do I do!)
I gotta super size me (Whaaa)
Cuz they don't recognize me (Recognize me)

I gotta super size me (I do)
I gotta super size me (Haha!)
I gotta super size me (Uh uh)
Cuz they don't recognize me (C'mon)

Little baby steps share harder than the next
If it goes by turns then I should be next
VTs rated X MTVs first listen
You want diamonds on your chest?
A monopoly set? Skip Baltic Ave
Gimme a house or a jet (No a house AND a jet!)
Like Rhymefest, when I'm rhyming on the set
I need a brand new fit shoes, to have
But now, I'm lookin like more to the stars
When there's light fame they can see who you are
(See they love you now, they didn't love you before)
Well, maybe right now, to them I'm so impor
Tint in the tint and the rims are on a spor
Car, come along I got four

Underaged, so you can't charge
But officer, no autograph yall
Cuz I

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

Jet Left
Louie Vuiton Bag
Under the Icee they don't recognize me
So Uh
You following me?
Cuz I stay buff like the marshmallow man

I gotta super size me (I do!)
I gotta super size me (I do)
I gotta super size me (Whaaa)
Cuz they don't recognize me (They don't recognize me)

I gotta super size me (I do!)
I gotta super size me (I do)
I gotta super size me (Wha)
Cuz they don't recognize me

Ahhhhh haha
I guess they gonna recognize me now if it is peak stuff
We got em going in a glove on this track
GDIC, young money NT
The caters, Big evil, corporation I see ya
Tell I made it

I gotta super size me
I gotta super size me (Ahh)
I gotta super size me (Ahh)
Cuz they don't recognize me (Cmon)

I gotta super size me (Haha!)
I gotta super size me (Ha!)
I gotta super size me
Cuz they don't recognize me


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