
Songtext Pillow talkin' Tyga


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Pillow talkin'

Why do we fight
Why do argue you
All through night
When we should be pillow talking baby
Make the wrongs
All things aside
Swallow our pride
And just love each other all the time
You got me and I got you
What else could really matter
But lovin that's
What it's all about
Till death does us part

Dear princess remember
What I called you
Markin those calendar days away til that moment I saw you
And I fell in love
From that very moment I saw you
Glad I
Played on the phone and dialed them numbers to call you
And now I'm thinkin about how
That could go wrong
You was so special to me like the music in this song
From my heart
I said till death
Do us apart
Dated for only a month
Or so
How is this possible
She she got me stutterin
My words beginning to slur
As I say
I love her
But I'm lovin it
It feels so right
When I'm
Huggin her
She sayin the same
She feelin complete like
Two way streets
Ringin my phone she never hear a beat
That means
I'm answering
Fulfillin her every need and desire
Ya dream
This is life with me
Continuous shoppin sprees
When I'm on the road
Even gave you all the security code
So baby
Tell me tell me

Why do we fight
Why do argue you
All through night
When we should be pillow talking baby
Make the wrongs
All things aside
Swallow our pride
And just love each other all the time
You got me and I got you
What else could really matter
But lovin that's
What it's all about
Till death does us part

I got more to stay to you

I thought I was more to what we had
Her secret stash
Filled with bundles of emotions
Now I'm startin to notice
All that shit was bogus
All the dozens of roses
Thinkin you was my golden token
Now I'm feelin frozen
Lookin like my life is hopeless
No human
Should ever experience
What I drove in
Now my car is broken
My engine hood
I should have never left it opened
Lookin like I'm on E
No fuel I can't even eat
Don't even want to breath if you ain't close to me
No friends
My only enemy is cupid
How could you be so stupid
Please tell me why love hurts
Can you even hear me
Can you even imagine
If your arrow wasn't workin for weeks
I don't
Think so
I'm just tryin
To think slow
It just ain't me
So please play the drum rolls
And roll the red carpets out
As I wait for you to return
With an explanation
So baby start explaining

Why do we fight
Why do argue you
All through night
When we should be pillow talking baby
Make the wrongs
All things aside
Swallow our pride
And just love each other all the time
You got me and I got you
What else could really matter
But lovin that's
What it's all about
Till death does us part

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