
Songtext Don't regret it now Tyga


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Don't regret it now

What if your mother
Regretted having your brother?
Would you forgive her and kiss her
And tell her you love her?
Or would you press it?
'Cause being the only child
Could leave ya feeling desperate
In need of attention every second
But since you man of the house you never get it
Pops left without a smile but you never miss him
But when you reminiscing
You wished you had a father figure
At least weekend's man pay a visit
Awww forget it

What about lil' Jason up in prison?
You think an 8 year old had bad intentions?
Pullin' the trigger on dad just barely killed him
Just wanted to protect moms from the brutal hittings
But he a kid so it's their word against his
Moms won't even testify scared of her husband
So he in for some years
Don't even know what he did
But can't forget it now
'Cause it's too late

[Chorus: Patrick Stump]
We come to life when first class takes flight
Only sing the lines that make you press rewind
Even dealing with electric, I think that he regrets in now
Heart in light, dying love
Everything looks better from above
You say it's getting old but I call it vintage love now
Don't regret it now

[Tyga & Patrick Stump:]
At a human's price
Trying to live that life
Can't slow down
Don't regret it now
Determined by that dice, you only roll twice
You broke now
Don't regret it now

Let's say you and your homey
Best friends one and only
Confidant who I trust, never phony
Just I and the young guy I called my brodie
We was like age of 5 since he known me
But now it's like hazy skies and in the mornings...
Waking up police say he died hollows pointed
Damn I can' believe you God... Why you want him?
I needed him more than you. Now, What you lonely?
Just 2 more months man, we was good money
Now he can't go to awards and meet stars
I'm all alone now ridin' in luxury cars...
Life like a movie now someone press fast forward
So I can chill with him again and feel real
I rather have him here then this rap deal...
But he can't regret it now
Walking into that crowd...
Had his jewelry on
Next thing, man down

[Chorus: Patrick Stump]
We come to life when first class takes flight
Only sing the lines that make you press rewind
Even dealing with electric, I think that he regrets in now
Heart in light, dying love
Everything looks better from above
You say it's getting old but I call it vintage love now
Don't regret it now

[Tyga & Patrick Stump:]
At a human's price
Trying to live that life
Can't slow down
Don't regret it now
Determined by that dice, you only roll twice
You broke now
Don't regret it now

[Patrick Stump:]
Work twice as hard to get half as far
Love has legs, feet don't fail me now
Brand new boy, brand new year
Curtains open I am a grand finale
Did you get my voicemail?
Sorry I'm out having the time of my life
And I'm gonna do whatever you'd do
If you could be me for one night

If you could be me for one night (Night)
Could you live you're life under lights? (Lights)
Laminates, cameras, ice (Ice)
4 am morning flights (Flights)
Uh I don't think you can handle that pal
I don't think you can handle this crowd
It's too late
Can't regret it now
It's too late
Can't regret it now

[Chorus x2: Patrick Stump]
We come to life when first class takes flight
Only sing the lines that make you press rewind
Even dealing with electric, I think that he regrets in now
Heart in light, dying love
Everything looks better from above
You say it's getting old but I call it vintage love now
Don't regret it now

[Tyga & Patrick Stump:]
At a human's price
Trying to live that life
Can't slow down
Don't regret it now
Determined by that dice, you only roll twice
You broke now
Don't regret it now

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