Chance The Rapper

Songtext Summer friends Chance The Rapper


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Summer friends

Oh, oh, oh, incredible
I would...incredible

Socks on concrete, jolly rancher kids
I was talking back and now I gotta stay at grandma's crib
Bunch of tank top, nappy headed bike-stealing Chatham boys
None of my nigga's ain't had no dad
None of my nigga's ain't have no choice
JJ, Mikey, Lil Derek and them
79th street was America then
Ice cream truck and the beauty supply
Blockbuster movies and Harold's again
We still catching lightning bugs
When the plague hit the backyard
Had to come in at dark cause the big shawty's act hard
Okay now Dave grandpa Grand Crossing
First day, nigga's shooting
Summer school get to losing students
But the CPD getting new recruitment
Our summer don't, our summer, our summer don't get no shine no more
Our summer die, our summer time don't got no time no more
(You're my friend)
Summer friends don't stay
Summer friends don't stay around
Summer friends, summer friends
Summer friends don't stay
Summer friends don't stay, hey
Stay around here

Oh I used to kill 'em with the long hair
Momma had salon doing perms out the armchair
Dad working late, he treat the crib like it's a timeshare
I would mow some lawns for my ones like a lawn chair, hugh, hugh!
Now I'm the same way, over time all the time, every night, hey
Ready my blessing, now I'm ready how I wait
Never let a friendship get in my way
Never let a blog get in my way
Make the whole song do whatever I say
79, 79, 79, place
79, 79, 79, place
Some of my homegirls got lost in the paperwork
They was good friends but I faked the clerk
Cause if it ain't work, can't make it work
It's been a minute since I called on a friend
Fucked up and fucked all my friends
All my friends, all my...

Stick around
Summer friends, summer...
You're my friend...
Summer friends don't stick around
Stick around
And some of us...
79, 79, 79, hey
79, 79, 79, hey, hey, hey
You're my friend
79, 79, 79, hey, 79
So put your head on my shoulder
City wide, city wide, city wide, hey
City wide, city wide, city wide, hey
City wide, city wide, city wide, hey
City wide, city wide, city wide, hey
City wide, city wide, city wide
City wide, city wide, city wide
City wide, city wide, city wide
City wide, city wide, city wide
City wide, city wide, city wide....
I will wait around for you
I will wait around for you
So lay your head...

May the Lord give your journey mercy
May you be successful, grant you favor
And bring you back safely, I love you

When I was so young before I could remember
I would always treat my gang like family members
Even when I changed, a nigga never changed up
I always bring my friends, my friends, my friends, my friends up
When I was so young before I could remember
I would always treat my gang like family members
Even when I changed, a nigga never changed up
I always bring my friends, my friends, my friends, my friends up

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