Chance The Rapper

Songtext Finish line / drown Chance The Rapper


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Finish line / drown

And we back, and we back, and we back, and we back
And we back, and we back, and we back

They ain't teaching taxes in school
It don't even matter I was acting a fool
But who would think their raps would turn into racks?
Don't matter, matter fact, it could happen to you
Scars on my head I'm the boy who lived
The boy love playing when the boy too sick
Reclining on a prayer, I'm declining to help
I've been lying to my body can't rely on myself
Last year got addicted to xans
Suffocated my name and starting missing my chance
LA for four months end up leaving right back
I'm in love with my city bitch I sleep in my hat
I felt hog tied ever since my dog died
He lived to 84, damn, that's a long ride
I know he up there he just siting there waiting
I'll be racing up the stairs I'mma get to the gate singing


All my days I prayed and prayed and now I see the finish line
Oh I'm gonna finish mine
All my days I prayed and prayed and now I see the finish line
Gonna finish mine

Gimme the water, gimme the water
I need the kind from Space Jam
Get this money, get this budget, KOK to day camp
Me and my girl plan to stay to the end
Hope there never come a day where we be better as friends
We in a marathon we could build a marriage on
Arguments as parents digging deeper than a baritone
I've been getting blocked just trying to make songs with friends
Labels told me to my face that they own my friends
I got to pray I got to pray, like Hammer after ?2 Legità
I got the power I could poke Lucifer with crucifix
I cannot scrap the stupid shit
I 'Stand Up? like I'm Ludacris
I know some folks that talk so much they drive an Uber whip
Damn, queen said why we in a queen bed
I said its yours don't worry little bean head
I'm just here to catch my breath I got a world tattoo
She said cool just bring me some food

All my days I prayed and prayed and now I see the finish line
Oh I'm gonna finish mine
All my days I prayed and prayed and now I see the finish line
I'm gonna finish mine


The water may be deeper than its ever been

Lord rain down on me so I can move on water
Like children at the altar, like God inside my house
I love you, I love you, you looking holy like Mama
You made a church out of feathers
So when she fly to the Father
She know the choir gon' follow and all the offering paid
She gave my name away to your holy house
She like my blessings in disguise
She like her Jesus mountain high
So he can watch her lonely child
I know my God
I know my God seen his breaks and his edges
A jacket for giving that painted his city in gold
Like everything is everything
Like all them days he prayed with me
Like emptiness was tamed in me
And all that was left was his love
And all that was left was his love
And all that was left was his lov
Never, never drown
The water may be deeper than its ever been
Never drown
The water may be deeper than its ever been
Never drown

Never, never, never
Chance let me hear 'em
This thirst in my soul
There's a thirst in my soul and tell me
Where I stand I go
For you
Come on
I may cry a river
I may cry a thousand tears
But you take each drop and you wash
You wash me new
Me new
People sing
This water is deep
This water is
Yes and I need you to
Jesus rescue me
Come on, I need you to
Take me to your mountain
So someday Chicago will be free
Someday we'll all be free
Be free

The water may be deeper than its ever been
Never drown
The water may be deeper than its ever been
Never drown

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