Chance The Rapper

Songtext Angels Chance The Rapper


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Angels, na, na, na, na

I got my city doing front flips
When every father, mayor, rapper jump ship
I guess that's why they call it where I stay
Clean up the streets, so my daughter can have somewhere to play
I'm the blueprint to a real man
Some of these niggas toss they tassel for a deal man
I ain't goin' to hell or to Hillman
Igh, Igh, Igh, Igh, for my real fans
I got caught up with a little Xan
Can't stop me but it slow me though
Yeah nigga famous, you don't know me though
But every DJ still play me though
Damn man, I don't even need a radio
And my new shit sound like a rodeo
Got the old folks dancing the Do-si-do
'Til they fuck around and sign me to OVO
Oooh, I just might share my next one with Keef
Got the industry in disbelief, they be asking for beef
This what it sound like when God split an atom with me
I even had Steve giving out apples for free
They was talking "woo woo this woo wap da bam"
City so damn great, I feel like Alexand'
Wear your halo like a hat, that's like the latest fashion
I got angels all around me they keep me surrounded

Who is you? And who the fuck is you? And who is him?
All of the sudden woo wap da bam you can't touch me
Na, na, na, na I got angels
I got angels

I ain't change my number since the seventh grade
This for my day one, ten years, seven days
A week, niggas never tired on they Kevin Gates
And if they rest in peace they bunny hopping heaven's gates
It's too many young angels on the southside
Got us scared to let our grandmommas outside
You gon' make me take the campers way downtown
You gon' make me turn my BM to my housewife
I just had a growth spurt
It done took so long, my tippy toes hurt
You can keep the nose ring, I don't have to soul search
I'm still at my old church, only ever sold merch
Grandma say I'm Kosher, momma say I'm culture
GCI, 1-0-7-5, angel goin' live
Power 92, angel, juke, angel gon' juke
GCI, 1-0-7-5, goin' live
Power 92, angel gon' juke, juke, juke, juke

They was talking "woo woo, this woo wap da bam"
City so damn great, I feel like Alexand'
Wear your halo like a hat, that's like the latest fashion
I got angels all around me, they keep me surrounded
Wap the bam (na, na, na)
(I got angels) I got angels all around me they keep me surrounded
(Na, na, na)
(I got angels)
They was talking "woo woo, this woo wap da bam"
City so damn great, I feel like Alexand'
Wear your halo like a hat, that's like the latest fashion
I got angels all around me, they keep me surrounded

Who is you? And who the fuck is you? And who is him?
All of the sudden woo wap da bam you can't touch me
Na, na, na, na I got angels
I got angels

Na, na
Na, na
I got, I got

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