South Park Mexican

Songtext Strapped & deadly South Park Mexican


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Strapped & deadly

[Verse 1: SPM]
I'm in da Hill W- double O - D Texas
Got three benzes, and quick reflexes
I'm a eat me breakfast, with the Mexicans
Break dance in my cell and do some head spins
Don't forget kids, if you test us
You will drop like fall semesters
Watch the texans, beat the redskins
On the news that don't look like me, bad sketches
Let's watch Death Wish, it gots a good message
I use to sell muthafuckin O's and X's
In seconds, I kill em the gentless
Been slangin since carpenters use ?
SKS's, leave em chestless
Inside connects to get they addresses
Request this, put on the hell bound guest list
I be takin muthafuckas out like dentures

[Hook: Carolyn Rodriguez x2]
Niggas in my click be strapped & deadly
Bust 'til they shit get jammed or empty
Ride coca cola and a can of pepsi
You other muthafuckas just can't impress me

[Verse 2: Shadow Ramirez:]
Have you ever been chased by bacon, or faced with makin
A decision that could cost you a fate with satan
Do you even understand the things I'm sayin
Listen close homeboy, the game ain't playin
It's the evil twin nigga you don't see me dance
Other rappers changin like they just shittin they pants
Still puttin work in, I'm destined for trial
Wasted money on a grill nigga I don't smile
Southeast home of the illest for reala
My hood like the michael jackson video thrilla
Lookin like they climbed out a grave or casket
Momma don't know the deal, to afraid to ask it
She bought special soap for the bloodiest stains
But mom check the label if it does it for brains
At times I just wanna put a gun to my temple
We had insurance for the dental, but none for the mental

[Hook: Carolyn Rodriguez x2]
Niggas in my click be strapped & deadly
Bust 'til they shit get jammed or empty
Ride coca cola and a can of pepsi
You other muthafuckas just can't impress me

[Verse 3: Quota]
First watch yo mouth, second quota enda
Third I'm a real gangsta I ain't no pretenda
Don't get my hosts's mixed up with yo suspendas
I got a shot like McGrady at Toyota Center
Cops quit interrogatin, look I don't rememba
You won't see my homies snitch, they my cold defendas
I'm still stuck around like a broken blenda
Cause my block stay hot, even though it's winta

[Verse 4: Coast]
Ay don't pretend to be my patna dawg, if you want me to drop and fall
Then bring it on, cause I'll win all yo ?
And all of ya'll was walkin talkin bout me like ya'll all the boss
And thinkin like I'm crawlin off, I promise yall a holocaust
Don't hide the coast, I ain't yo bro, you actin like you know me though
And rap is what you know me fo, the fact is I don't only flow
Slow yo roll, peep the game, keep the piece, and keep yo brain
I'm strapped & deadly 7 days up out the week, now Carolyn sing

[Hook: Carolyn Rodriguez x2]
Niggas in my click be strapped & deadly
Bust 'til they shit get jammed or empty
Ride coca cola and a can of pepsi
You other muthafuckas just can't impress me

Can't impress me

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