South Park Mexican

Songtext Are we real South Park Mexican


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Are we real

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin' things that I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

Yea this is the song I wrote for my wife before she was my wife,
Weve been together 18 years now that's like half my life ,
And shes still by my side,
I love you baby.

Your love is beautiful its un-disputable,
You got me rappin' bout it up inside this studio,
Like crazy man cuz how I feel ain't normal.
And im writin' in my journal I hope its eternal,
I'm your favorite fan when you make an appearance ,
The smile on your face lifts up my spirits,
I wanna trust you and know that you'll be mine forever,
You want a lifetime of love thats what imma deliver,
But I worry a little and I'm not sure why,
But the thought of ever losin you blows my mind,
And I know that I really shouldn't think that way,
I guess what I'm tryin' to say today is babe.

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

I don't mean to sound scared or even insecure ,
Usually I don't trip over chicks but your somethin' else,
Somethin' pure, an amazin' brew,
Mama raised a G but didn't raise a fool,
So I don't wanna loose you like I lost so many,
Not really carin' bout our future and it cost me dearly,
So many years as a playa in a negative sense,
And I guess it took this whole big set of events,
To let me see things differently, I've grown as a man,
And just wanna walk through life while holdin' your hand,
Kiss you in the moonlight and touch your face,
And let you know your the one that no one can replace'

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

I broke many hearts in the days of past ,
And they told me one day one will break yours back,
And avenge all the girls that you left in tears,
And my heart was too hard to ingest those fears,
So I ran through a bunch some snack some lunch,
Some dark some was yellow like captain crunch,
And we laughed a bunch and we balled at malls,
If I could id apologize to all of yall,
Saw the pain in her eyes as she begged me to stay,
And now I truly understand how she felt that day,
Cuz now I feel the same and I want it to work,
Hopin' I don't end up like the ones that I've hurt.

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

Is it real,
Tell me are we real,
Are u just sayin things I wanna hear,
Are u really true,
Baby is it destiny,
Are u the one that god made and he meant for me.

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