South Park Mexican

Songtext Mexican heaven South Park Mexican


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Mexican heaven

(feat. Carolyn Rodriguez)

There's a question that people have been asking for there a heaven, and if so, what's it like?

Will I see my homie Chris there?
He got smoked by some fools who shouldn't be alive
I'm trying to cope but it's just so hard
Dear God will I see him on the boulevard?
Can you tilt your hat to the side, if you want?
Or do you gotta have it straight to the front?
I been sagging Dickies ever since I was eight
And I wonder will somebody try to tell me I can't?
I won a knife at the carnival they have off Jensen
It's just for good luck, not for a weapon
I wonder can I take it?
Well that's if I make it
But I don't wanna walk around all butt naked
Will my hydraulics work up in the clouds?
Do people start complaining if the music is loud?
And these are the things that I asked the reverend
Excuse me sir, but can Mexicans go to heaven?

[CHORUS (Carolyn):]
The other day I spoke to the reverend
To see if he'd say that Mexicans could go to heaven
When I grow old, though I know this life is a blessing
I wanna know, is there a Mexican Heaven lord?

Will my grandfather's beer breath be real bad
Or will they make him take mints or the white tic tacs
Do the R&B and Hip Hop radio stations play our raps,
Or do they still be hating?
People owe me money from previous business
And I wonder can I get it with a little bit interest?
And what about drop outs with no education?
I can't spell good but I know multiplication
Do they got real tortillas for all the races?
Or them fake lil skinny ones like some places?
I know my sancha's out of the question
But on the cool she got love for a Mexican
Will my homies pitch in or wanna smoke for free?
Will they have gas money or depend on me?
Can I roll on gold streets in my '57?
Let me know, can Mexicans go to heaven?


Will they charge an arm and leg for the new Mike Jordans?
Or sell 'em half price so everyone can afford them?
What about tobacco products, do they ban 'em?
One thing about cigarettes: I just can't stand em
Is minimum wage all they offer my people?
Does my uncle gotta marry someone just to be legal?
Will he get dirty looks 'cause he can't speak English?
Do the chicks dress up or do they show their chichis?
What kind of clubs do they have in heaven?
I don't dance Techno and no two-stepping
I got a few warrants, will they follow me there?
Or can I start clean with a record that's clear?
Is my pitbull there? his name is Plex
He choked on his chain jumping over the fence
I'm sorry if I'm asking you too many questions
I just gotta know, can Mexicans go to heaven?


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