Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Southside anthem Waka Flocka Flame


Southside anthem

Shawty tag beats
MC Shawty, what up?
J Smoove
Shout out So Icey
1017 Brick Squad
Porter House Music Group
Street Exec Shawty

C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T ’til I die, sell that weed 'til I die
Move that crack 'til I die, claim Southside ’til I die, 'til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon' lie, Flocka
C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T 'til I die, sell that weed ’til I die
Move that crack ’til I die, claim Southside 'til I die, ’til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon’ lie, Flocka

Super stupid swag, you can call me Argentina
Run up on Flocka, homie got that nina
I will burn you, boy, I'm not playing, boy
You know 'bout me, boy
Built to destroy
So Icey army slash navy slash marine boys (Flocka)
We got hella guns, we got hella Bloods
We got hella Crips, we got hella Kings
We got hella folks, niggas sell coke
Some sell pills, others sell weed
We got what you need, and we worth them M's, bitch
The bitches, drilled them, hoes, killed them
Ask about Flocka, all the girls feel him
And they film him, yes, they love him
But they dirty, you can't really trust them
Niggas at your front, niggas at your back door
They even at your window, heard you got that Kinzo (Flocka)

C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T 'til I die, sell that weed 'til I die
Move that crack 'til I die, claim Southside 'til I die, 'til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon' lie, Flocka
C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T 'til I die, sell that weed 'til I die
Move that crack 'til I die, claim Southside 'til I die, 'til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon' lie, Flocka

All I need is weed, all I need is coke
All I ask for one thing, Hit Squad boys to never go broke
ClayCo, let my niggas go, free my nigga Kebo
Free my nigga Gucci, So Icey, niggas tryna stick me
Just because I'm icy, boy, that's your life, G
Dick me and pipe me? Naw, that's unlikely
The Dell ain't gon' have that
Godby Road ain't gon' have that
Ford Park ain't gon' have that
Ball Road ain't gon' have that
My sign ain't gon' have that
Lil Joey ain't gon' have that
Terror Bully ain't gon' have that
Over Dale ain't gon' have that
Valid Hill ain't gon' have that
Point Side ain't gon' have that
John-bo ain't gon' have that
So Icey ain't gon' have that
Westside ain't gon' have that
Eastside ain't gon' have that
Northside ain't gon' have that
Southside ain't gon' have that
Think about what you do if you run up on me
Think about what you do if you run up on me (Flocka)

C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T 'til I die, sell that weed 'til I die
Move that crack 'til I die, claim Southside 'til I die, 'til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon' lie, Flocka
C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 'til I die
H-A-T 'til I die, sell that weed 'til I die
Move that crack 'til I die, claim Southside 'til I die, 'til I die
I ain't gon' lie, I ain't gon' lie

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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