Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Grove st. party Waka Flocka Flame


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Grove st. party

[Waka Flocka]
Grovvvvvve Grovvvvve Streeeeettttt.....FLOCKA!

[Waka Flocka Flame - Chorus]
I gotta a whole lot of money, bitches count it for me
Bottle keep poppin that's why the bad hoes jockin

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

My partner on a pill, my other partner drunk, rollin a lot I'm trying to get fucked up

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

[Waka Flocka Flame]
I step in the club, rollin on that loud shit
My weed keep your security saying be quiet
My bread startin a riot, your girl getting excited
hold on wanna try it, I'm like why not try it
My swag they wanna buy it, my juice they wanna try it
club going stupid, when I Oh Lets do it
Chu ain't gotta chew it, juking and she moving
Grove street villain nigga who you killin?
Broke two years ago, now I'm worth a million
Jacksons to the ceiling that's how we ballin
You know that I'm rollin
Throwing up the mean bread
Now I'm bout to meet her in the club with a heater

[Waka Flocka Flame - Chorus]
I gotta a whole lot of money, bitches count it for me
Bottle keep poppin that's why the bad hoes jockin

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

My partner on a pill, my other partner drunk, rollin a lot I'm trying to get fucked up

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

[Kebo Gotti]
A party ain't a party til I walk in it
Lime green flap match the fitted and the linen
Gucci shades are on my face and my lens kinda tinted
Cause my eyes real low and my head just started spinnin
I'm rollin like a mothafucka I'm a roll out in this motherfucker
Ima roscoe dash it Ima bout to show out in this mothafucka
My jewelry game on frost about to snow out in this mothafucka
Ay flocka get them burners lets pull out in this mothafucka
Ay mothafucka what the hell is you rockin for run up on me and my squad
No that shouldn't be an option so
Somebody betta let you know I suggest that you let it go
This is grove street party safe niggas hit the exit door

[Waka Flocka Flame - Chorus]
I gotta a whole lot of money, bitches count it for me
Bottle keep poppin that's why the bad hoes jockin

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

My partner on a pill, my other partner drunk, rollin a lot I'm trying to get fucked up

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

[Waka Flocka Flame]
Rollin on them leaves, you can do the lean
Blowing on that loud perp, pass that bobby brown back
The hood got my fucking back, the streets I'm not duckin that
Please step the fuck back, grove street yes we are back
Hood plus I'm a nigger rich, every ghetto feeling this
20 on my right wrist, 30 on my left wrist, 100 on my neck iced out for my respect
20 fucking 10 Ima blow the whole check
In the club flex, after party flex, you know how we ball, all I know is ball
Every dollar in my pocket Ima spend it all, when a nigga die they gon say shawty raw

[Waka Flocka Flame - Chorus]
I gotta a whole lot of money, bitches count it for me
Bottle keep poppin that's why the bad hoes jockin

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

My partner on a pill, my other partner drunk, rollin a lot I'm trying to get fucked up

It's a party It's a party It's a party
It's a party It's a party It's a party

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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