Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Fuck this industry Waka Flocka Flame


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Fuck this industry

Real nigga music
Hey man the industry is so mothafucker dirty
Watch out for these labels
Make sure you know what your doing before you sign a contract, right
Don't get a 360...

[Chorus x2:]
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Lord take my back da devil entered me.

Lord take my back da devil entered me.
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...

They say... is pain
I call it bullshit
Cause when I'm finished cryin
I'm back to this bullshit
I got a four clip from my enemies
They wanna see me dead off these fuck streets
I drink this fuck liquor you know the remedy
Waka Flocka Flame ain't no endin me
Shout out to my moma (momma) she got my back
Man I love my family
That's a fuck fact
Fuck this industry
I mean that shit dawg
Waka Flocka Flame
Man I want it all
I can't trust myself
So don't trust me
I can't trust my friends
When they set me up
Back to this bullshit
Man this industry full of bullshit

[Chorus x2:]
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Lord take my back da devil entered me.

Damn I miss my brother
They wanna see me under
Disrespect my mother
You gonna met my brother
KK that shit fuck up
25 to life he did it to defend his life
Shout out to my grandma
For all them ass whoopin
That shit made me tough
No more ass whoopings
Shout out to my three they showed me how to?

For that all my life I gotta have it all
Shout out to my aunties for their female love
They showed me how to cook and clean and show women love
Shout out to my nieces and my nephews
And I love my family
One day bless you
Momma don't cry we gonna get it
And we do it again
We gonna show em that we got it
Fuck dis Industry
BITCH I'm in these streets...
They don't want shit
But my money

[Chorus x2:]
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Lord take my back da devil entered me.

What's up to my block
Hello grocery
What's up SHYtown
What's up OD
What's up LA
Shout out to woovy
What's up to Miami
What's up?
What's up Asian Fresh
And my nigga KIbo
That's my fuck dawg
Nigga real tough
Shout out to New York to the North Side
Shout out to NC and to?
Shout out VA
Shout out to M Town
West wood bloods
Threw the set up now
Man I love my street niggas
What the fuck would I be without my street niggas
Shout out to Gucci
? Frenchie
What's up Juice Man
This is Bricksquaad!

[Chorus x2:]
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Fuck dis industry
Bitch I'm in these streets...
Lord take my back da devil entered me.

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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