
Songtext Ski on the slope Tyga


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Ski on the slope

She don't pop pills, that's a thing in the past
She only pop pussy, all she 'bout is the cash
Tequila on her tongue, got your heart racin' fast
I told her, "Get your high quicker, put the coke in your ass"

Yeah, put the coke in your ass
Play with your nose, put the coke in your ass
She don't want Sprite, all she want is the coke
Playin' with her nose, she gon' ski on the slope
Fuck a jetski, baby, ski on the slope
Fuck a jetski, baby, ski on the slope
She don't drink Sprite, all she want is the coke
Playin' with her nose, think she Tony Monto
She wanna play with her nose
Wanna see how high she can go
She wanna play with her nose
Seein' all this white, she wanna ski down the slope

Snowboard when you jump, snowboard off my dick
If you look in my eyes, you can tell that I'm lit
I can look at your eyes, tell you ain't 'bout shit
Take a bump off your fist, and bitch, no more lip
Your friends talk too much, Luke roll me a blunt
The white horse in the front, Ferrari, boys pullin' up
I'm Johnny Depp with the blow, blow the coke in the butt
Throw this gram in your face, it's like bustin' a nut
I reach in the panties, then I pull out the plastic
Tell Richie Akiva don't let 'em pull out the cameras
Yeah she known as a model, but tonight she a dancer
Yeah that face L.A., but that booty Atlanta
I got a big body sleigh, yeah they callin' me Santa
My nigga play with them keys like he Hannah Montana
Shimmy, shimmy, coco puff, that's country grammar
Pull out the black card then we cut up the Daniel, ayy

She wanna play with her nose
Wanna see how high she can go
She wanna play with her nose
Seein' all this white, she wanna ski down the slope
Fuck a jetski, baby, ski on the slope
Fuck a jetski, baby, ski on the slope
She don't drink Sprite, all she want is the coke
Playin' with her nose, think she Tony Monto
She wanna play with her nose
Wanna see how high she can go
She wanna play with her nose
Seein' all this white, she wanna ski down the slope

Grab your ice skates, bitch it's time for the snow
Take it to your head, let it burn in your throat
I'm the ice cream man, put the ice in the cone
Got you high in the air, phone on airplane mode, woo!

Nigga, I am so fucking high, wait... can I say nigga?

Aspen, ask them
I'm the king of the slope that done cashed in
LeBron with the stats, I done passed them
Nigga been throwin' work like a javelin
Blastin' Bitch I'm the Shit 2
Spyder color mint blue, with the missin' roof like a chipped tooth
Avianne cold, nigga, igloo
Bitch you gotta fuck me like your rent due, woo!
Put your face to the glass
Ass to the pole, you know how it go
Like Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, shh, everybody know
It's a lot of bad bitches like to ski down the slope, woo!

She wanna play with her nose
Wanna see how high she can go
She wanna play with her nose
Seein' all this white, she wanna ski down the slope

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