
Songtext Feel me Tyga


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Feel me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Aye this shit gotta be club
Car and pussy at the highest level, nigga
Ah! Bitch I'm the shit, feel me?
Them niggas ain't this, feel me?
911 on my wrist feel me?
Not the time but the whip, bitch, feel me?

Kylie Jenner thick, you gotta feel me
"Happy birthday, here's a Benz", feel me?
First, last name rich, feel me?
Yeah, bitch, I'm the shit, feel me?
We at the highest level, yeah I know you feel me
I'm at the dealership like what's the dealy?
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!

I need my cash money
A milli, a milli, a milli, a milli
These bitches is litty, my niggas is litty
We lit up the city, you feel me?
My hitters is humble, we hit up the city
We skrrt off, we eat in a Bentley
Take her shoppin'
But can't get that python through customs
Hundred K for the PJ, fuck it
Garment bags, no luggage, feel me?
Getting money, you relate, feel me?
Bank account liftin' weights, feel me?
Let my niggas through the gate, feel me?
Bel-Air estates (huh!)
Hansen's with the cake
I'm hands on with that cake
I need my bitches A1
I got a lot at stake, feel me?

We at the highest level, yeah I know you feel me
I'm at the dealership like what's the dealy?
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!
Kim K thick, you gotta feel me
At the dealership like what's the dealy?
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!

Flew in for the fight, that's that thug life
Pac sittin' shotgun next to Suge Knight
Coogi, Coogi, Coogi, Coogi on
Feels like I'm in the movie, holmes
Texted my Consigliere
Tell the maid leave the Jacuzzi on
(Who you tryna get crazy with? Don't you know I'm loco?)
That Calabasas 'cross the sweatshirt
I wear it to a meetin' like a dress shirt
Top shotta put the pressure
Jamaican nigga with the mesh shirt
There's levels to my retail
The devil's in the detail
Niggas be typin' hard as hell
Goin' heavy metal on the email
Niggas be so emo
Catch feelings like a female
Get quiet as a church mouse
Phone soundin' like a seashell
Niggas get so choked up
I had to bring back the Spreewells, hahah

We at the highest level, yeah I know you feel me
I'm at the dealership like what's the dealy?
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly
Usher Raymond chain, it's too chilly!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

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