
Songtext Playboy Tyga


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Uhh, I got a pornstar's tenacity
Fuck her like it's ten of me, I've been a nasty nigga
Nigga, I got a dope boy's tenacity
Cocky like I got ten ki's and they harassing me
Woo, super freak in my passenger
She a superstar and got it bad for me
If I hang up, she call right back to me
You cut her legs off, she crawl right back to me

Uh, addicted like crack to my tenacity
I made a path for all my savages, I'm business savy, see
It must be March 'cause y'all mad at me
It's March Madness and I ball like Kansas City
You against me and the city
You know how many pretty bitches drove me to liquor stores
For condoms and sour liquor straws
I get 'em hot Cheetos just to see her lick her fingers

Your boy been had a playboy's tenacity
Fuck her like it's ten of me, I've been a nasty nigga
Nigga, I got a dope boy's tenacity
Cocky like I got ten ki's and they harassing me
Woo, super freak in my passenger
She a superstar and got it bad for me
If I hang up, she call right back to me
You cut her legs off, she crawl right back to me

Actually, she really crawl
Lift my balls and lick the whole sack for me
Playboy tenacity, umbrellas in my Daiquiri
If I ain't poppin', why the paparazzi flashin' me?
Can you answer me?
I call it playboy's tenacity
Yeah, that's what it is, that's what it has to be
Yeah, look how I live, this how it had to be (hahh)
I want it now more than ever
More money, more problems but the money make it better
I ain't tryna fuck and that just fucked her head up
I'm sick, what's the diagnosis? That's why I wrote this
You know bitch

I got a playboy's tenacity
Fuck her like it's ten of me, I've been a nasty nigga
Nigga, I got a dope boy's tenacity
Cocky like I got ten ki's and they harassing me

All units, all stations, this is officer 4112 LAPD
Currently in pursuit of a yellow Ferrari 4-8-8
Possible drug trafficking suspect

Racing wing on the GT4
I'm finna drive this motherfucker to the ocean floor
Cold world, long nights with my old girl
If I put a baby in her, hope she don't abort
I found Atlantis in Atlanta at a strip club
Body was the palace, or maybe it was Venice
Excuse me if I'm scattered, but switching all these timezones
Really leave your mind gone if you don't mind me asking
Can you put your hands on your hips? Baby dip, dip, dip
Put your shoes on the bed, she my whip, I'ma trip
Windows got tint so you can wear whatever you like
And less is more, the funny thing about life
Is that the clock keep tickin', so let's have a good time
And time is of the essence, you should get undressed and that's fine
And do whatever you could think to take the stress off your mind
And if you need it, well, believe it, you could do it all night, alright

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