
Songtext Richter scale Epmd


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Richter scale

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[erick sermon]
Yeah, aww yeah, uhh richter scale
It goes lights, camera, action Im on
One more time to kill em, my rap flow is fulfilling
I scream with the beastie boys -- what time is it?
Its two oclock, you gettin knocked out the box
Then kicked off the block, def squad hit squad
No we wont stop, fuck it call the cops (uh-huh)
I be the invincible, in the school of hard knocks
Im the principle, fatman joe yknow

[parrish smith]
As you suffer the repercussions, comin through the blaze
Bust the crime scene, cause some drama, niggaz duckin
When we come through, throwin the jab, in the one-two
Layin mcs out to trap, when we run through (like what? )
Like the marathon, flooded with the diamonds on
Get my rhymin on, pmd fuckin shinin on
Back to biz, new address with the fat crib
My shit in the wiz, poli-in with the big wigs

Chorus: erick sermon

Off the meter, and everytime we reach the
Tip-top and ya dont stop, uhh!
In the field of rap, we pull rank no question
We top the richter scale
*repeat 2x*

[erick sermon]
Bust the techniques, e.d. fantastic
Unreal gangstarr shit, mass appeal
Raps top dawg, Im the one you call on
To get sic-wid-it, e dont forget it
Im six, two and a half, heavyset, chocolate brown
Hell of a jab, gift to gab
Im the elite, keep it underground like street level
I rock a rolex watch, with a diamond bezel

[parrish smith]
Rap terror terror, epmd, a new era
Off the richter scale, blowin hotter than ever
With the squadron, beg your pardon, got the heads noddin
Lost your mind and said, shit!! when we barged in
The front door door, rugged, keeps our shit raw raw
Make hits for the fans, plus the world tour
Believe that, peep that e and ps back
Wreckin heads daily, so chill and get the bozack


[erick sermon]
Yo royal flush-in, all my cats be bustin
Servin you customers and those fake hustlers
Whassup? step to me, I smack you silly
Im the kid, but no comparison to billy
I aint scared of you motherfuckers -- cant you tell?
Girls lose to me when they groove to maxwell, uhh
I got one life to live so Im livin
Got girls to be hittin more cars to be drivin

[parrish smith]
We stripped too many beats to make too many niggaz to break
No moves are fake, no warnin shots fired blastin on crews like corrupt jakes
The black viper, scream on mcs and rhyme cyphers
More dangerous mind than, michelle pfeiffer
So skedaddle-daddle, you get rattled dont wanna battle-battle
Put one to your rhyme saddle, stompin through, like wild cattle
We flow beef so dead that, let that shit cease
Im quick with the hands, plus accurate with the two-piece


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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