
Songtext K. i. m. Epmd


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K. i. m.

Nah nah, check this out, yo
I grab my dick, spit, hit the blinkers, split
The dutch coronas, tokin irons without permits
Repetoire long-faced murderers the shit
Black bruce willis mix tape arsonist
Esquire, for hire, with total rapid fire
Supplier to any tom dick jerry maguire
You chose the right man to get the plan executed
I get the situation happening before you shoot it
Flow direct-or, suprise you like guess what?
The hotter I spit Im trippin off smoke detectors
Who next up to get dressed up, I dont pop
Corks I pop new york with a dot til import
The art then the craft, will split you in half
Im a hurricane you a miller genuine draft
While you push a s-class Im riding on a giraffe
Uptown, naked, smoking a bag with hash, check it
Shut your windows and lock your doors
Whores scream louder than berrymore when I pour
And when me and my crew walk we walk on all fours
Atomic dogs, packed in a black yukon


[erick sermon]
John blaze, I keep yall niggaz rockin for days
Boriquas, to eses, around the ways
My own mix tape dj, I flex
You dont have a clue when Im doin ya who is he I gets busy, word up
Come now player look in my eyes you think Im bluffin
A five year span turned nuttin into somethin
And dont get familiar, your whole entourage dont be
Feelin ya, behind your back they straight killin ya
(who am i? ) the ex-headbanger bad motherfucker
High on friday with chris tucker
I be a headbanger to my very last breath
Even jermaine dupri think Im sosodef
K.a., shawn mims, I come from a long line of geechies
Who didnt care, blow camp lo luchinis
I transform like spawn, takes no time
For me to get on, to the break of dawn, word


[parrish smith]
Pmd, the purple heart admiral
Blow your spot and left shrapnel
Then escaped in the benz capsule
Harder than a nfl tackle, back to bite the big apple
Southpaw, raw since I was a sophomore
Before I met jane in the corridor
The mentals, rapper slash entrepeneur
With more action than roger moore
Turn your cabbage into coleslaw, with the four four
Spray windex on your glass jaw
Shatter it, fuckin with p, is hazardous
Iced out lazarus started and manufactured this
My squads wild like the manimals on geographic
Smash you bastards on some crab shit
Epmds the group the squadron is the click
Transmit, lyrical grit, time to shift cause im


[keith murray]
Keith murray, the holder of the boulder
Lyrical analyst mental roller coaster flower
Money folder, track blower, mc overthrower
I flow witcha two at a time, like noah
I goes off to the beat, on the edge of reality
And kick rhymes in my sleep, and battle mortality
Finally, every dimension know keith
Yall egotistical simple-minded niggaz is pitiful and weak
Ill give you a g a week for life, if you can defeat me
I kick poetry at a high rate of mortality
At static, lyrical kraftmatic, smokin
Barkin like a dog, breathin like an asthmatic
Lyrical sculpture create fly rap sculpture
Ninety-eight headbanger boy, yeah I told ya
Total chaos, helter skelter, run for shelter
Here comes the lyrical brain melter
I be maxin and relaxin, attractin action
Flippin more big ol words than jesse jackson
My shit knock dont it, drive you crazy if you loan it
Man I feel for my opponents

Chorus (to end)

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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