
Songtext Never seen before (remix) Epmd


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Never seen before (remix)

[E] Peace to Chuck
[P] Chuck D
[E] Yeah, uhh
You're not tellin em huh? Yeah

[Erick Sermon]
They go ohh and ahh when I jump in my car
People treat me like Kareem Abdul Jabbar
when I'm supreme rap star, they all know me
E.D., when I flash the greens on TV
MC's be robbin me, of my technique
The way I speak, the way I get down, the way I sound
And if you axe/ask me, they must be on the jock
of the innovator (one two), rock roll bounce to skater

[Parrish Smith]
OK fuck it, enough with the tight shit, grab the mic quick
Hollywood niggaz, put it down spit some hype shit
EPMD Erick and Parrish, Makin Dollars
with the rap scholars keep the show packed like funeral parlors
Deadly, murderous I know you heard of us
Holdin shit down on the block, nobody servin us (yeah son)
The E Double and Mic Doc, BoondoxDef Jam's off the meter yo, this shit is hot

[Chorus: EPMD]

[P] Never seen before, or heard before
The uncut raw
[E] I'm Erick Sermon
[P] and I'm Parrish Smith

[Erick Sermon]
Check it, now I'm back with the flyest material
Mic Doc and E Dub the Grand Imperial
My mic's deadly, so I scratched off the serial
and stashed it, until I have to kill at will
Keep it movin, yes it's me in the flesh
it's no illusion, fuck around and catch minor contusions
Whatever, I'm Smokin Joe when it comes to rap
I'm a pro-fessional, Tiger Woods I'm good

[Parrish Smith]
Time to black out, no doubt, people wanna know about
the inside scoop with the group, and are they comin out
Damn skippy I'm tipsy, high like a hippie
Don't take drinks from strangers cause niggaz slip mickies
That's why I stay on Q/cue, like Omar Epps in J-U
I-C-E so chill and bust the debut
In rare form the false alarm's the Mic Don's
back in effect, snap that neck, the P's gone


[E] Never say never
[P] What? EPMD's back together
[E] And if it gets warm take off the hot sweater
[P] Flip the ill slick flow (flow)
[E] Watch us throw (throw)
[P] down with the other brothers toe to toe
[E] And if ya slow ya blow
[P] That's why we comin with the ammo
[E] Yo ten year veterans
[P] A thousand rap sessions
[E] Yeah the hard rockers
[P] The crowd shockers
[E] The head knockers
[P] Yeah EPMD's off the rockers

[Chorus x2]

[E] Yeah, uh, uh, uh-huh, yeah
[P] Dude whassup
[E] Yeah that was dope, word up
EPMD for Nine-What, whatever, yeah, uh-huh...
Sample this shit, word up!

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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