Gucci Mane

Songtext Questions Gucci Mane


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Der musikalische text QUESTIONS von GUCCI MANE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Greatest of all trappers (2024)

Greatest of all trappers



Somebody asked me a question the other day (I got questions)
Said, "Dram, why you the GOAT?" (I got questions)
I said, "I ain't the GOAT, I'm the GOAST" ('Cause I got questions)
"Greatest of all shit talkers" (I got questions)
Who done brought you street classic after street classic (I got questions)
For decades upon decades? (And I got questions)
Answer that question (That's the question)
Greatest of all trappers
Wop, get 'em (Gangsta Grillz)

Is you niggas still gettin' y'all some money? ('Cause I got questions, huh?)
'Cause I heard y'all niggas' pockets lookin' funny (And I got questions, well, damn)
Did he shut his mouth or did he rat? (Now that's the question, huh?)
Is he gon' bitch up or gon' stand on the business? (That's up for question, well, damn)
Should I cop the 'Rari or the lemon? (That's up for question, go, yoom)
Will these folks ever give me a Grammy? ('Cause I got questions, what the fuck?)
The cops tried pull me over, told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (Nah)
The cops tried pull me over, I told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (It's Wop)

I'm webbin' through Charlotte, I'm in a Spider (Huh)
I got two model hoes with me, they on the powder
Between my weed and my engine, I don't know which one is louder
I call my race car a tiger because it growl (Growl, growl)
And I surpassed all my peers, they out of style
I wore like seven mil' in jewelry to Rolling Loud (Burr)
They call me Gucci the legend, been doin' this shit since an infant, say I was destined for greatness since I was a child (Baby, Gangsta)
This a gangster party, you pussies ain't allowed (Pussy)
I knew you came 'cause I smell pussy in the crowd (I smell pussy)
Should I take the Rolls or the Bentley?
Stones from my thumb to my pinky
The only question is, "Which car am I gon' drive?"
I can't decide (It's Gucci)

Is you niggas still gettin' y'all some money ('Cause I got questions, huh?)
'Cause I heard y'all niggas' pockets lookin' funny (And I got questions, well, damn)
Did he shut his mouth or did he rat? (Now that's the question, huh?)
Is he gon' bitch up or gon' stand on the business? (That's up for question, well, uh)
Should I cop the 'Rari or the lemon? (That's up for question, huh?)
Will these folks ever give me a Grammy? ('Cause I got questions, well, damn)
The cops tried pull me over, told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (Nah)
The cops tried pull me over, I told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (No, go)

I know it's some niggas that wanna get me (Yeah)
But I bet some more of you bitches is comin' with me (Fuck 'em)
Who's gon' be the last man standin'? That's up for question (Huh, huh, huh, huh, what?)
I can see clearly, you niggas jealous (Woah)
You niggas protected 'cause y'all some tellers (Hoes)
I keep Berettas for vendettas, that's not up for question
I keep Berettas for vendettas, that's not up for question (Baow, baow, baow)
These niggas be broke and they lookin' sad (Damn)
But I don't feel sorry for none of they ass (No)
But if they need a loan or somethin', then that's up for question (Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? It's Gucci)

Is you niggas still gettin' y'all some money? ('Cause I got questions, damn)
'Cause I heard y'all niggas' pockets lookin' funny (And I got questions, what? What?)
Did he shut his mouth or did he rat? (Now that's the question, wow)
Is he gon' bitch up or gon' stand on the business? (That's up for question, well, uh)
Should I cop the 'Rari or the lemon? (That's up for question, yoom, yoom)
Will these folks ever give me a Grammy? ('Cause I got questions, catch up)
The cops tried pull me over, told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (Nah)
The cops tried pull me over, I told 'em, "I don't answer questions" (Nah, nah, well, damn)

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