Gucci Mane

Songtext 4 lifers Gucci Mane


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Der musikalische text 4 LIFERS von GUCCI MANE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Greatest of all trappers (2024)

Greatest of all trappers


4 lifers

Ayy, Wop, let me give you your flowers
You know you gave life to the culture (Huh?)
Know they tried to give you life (Wop)
And you put your life on the line for this shit (Honorable C.N.O.T.E., go, go)
I got you for life, my nigga

Six-figure striker, two hundred titles (Yeah, huh)
I hit your idol, top off the Spider
Don't need a writer, know you a biter
DP to Metro, guess who the driver (It's Gucci, huh?)
Millions on millions, I'm clutchin' a rifle
I set the trend, now she diggin' my Nikes (Well, damn)
Pavé the Cuban, I'm Gucci so icy (Brr)
Mob in this bitch with a hundred for-lifers (DJ Drama)

Head on a thousand, I'm starting to like her
Tried to charge me a thousand, I dodged like a biker
Couple thousand gon' turn that lil' ho to a dyke
She eat out her buddy, I beat it like Mike (Yeah)
Richer than rich, I'm really the shit (Huh?)
I live in the mix, bigger than this
No, you can't get a kid, just eat on this dick
You lil' bitty bitch, I'm fuckin' your sis (Lil' bitty bitch)
Fresh as a bitch, check out the kicks
G-lock and a switch make you twist into Swiss
This Patek so icy, I can make her fizz
This one-of-one, bitch, I know they ain't on this (Brr)
Yeah, I might leave that bitch in my will (Yeah)
Yeah, two stones, a mil' in my ear (Huh, brr)
Yeah, no loan, no tab, no bill (Yeah, huh)
Yeah, ride the May' like an orange and peel (Skrrt)

Six-figure striker, two hundred titles
I hit your idol, top off the Spider (Huh)
Don't need a writer, know you a biter
DP to Metro, guess who the driver (It's Gucci)
Millions on millions, I'm clutchin' a rifle
I set the trend, now she diggin' my Nikes (Well, damn)
Pavé the Cuban, I'm Gucci so icy (Brr)
Mob in this bitch with a hundred for-lifers (It's Gucci)
Six-figure striker, two hundred titles (Yeah, huh?)
I hit your idol, top off the Spider
Don't need a writer, know you a biter
DP to Metro, guess who the driver (It's Gucci)
Millions on millions, I'm clutchin' a rifle
I set the trend, now she diggin' my Nikes (Well, damn)
Pavé the Cuban, I'm Gucci so icy (Brr)
Mob in this bitch with a hundred for-lifers (It's Gucci)

I'm the first one put the 6 on the map
I feel like it's '06, the shooters are strapped (Yeah)
Watch what you say 'cause the phone could be tapped
At the mansion with Iceland, she takin' a nap
Just like the Arctic, these rappers be cap
They like a newborn baby, they need to be slapped
Ridin' with your bitch, got her head in my lap
Throw 'way the gun, we got blood on the strap (No)
Cold as a Frigidaire, I don't really give a care
Walk out the bank with the cash like I'm Vivica (Go)
The money attract me, who cares 'bout the physical?
Rejected the trade 'cause she couldn't pass the physical (No)
Black Gucci duffel, I'm jumpin' on jets
He think that he me 'cause he fuckin' my ex
I got some young niggas spinnin' on bikes
Just bring me his head and tell me the price

Six-figure striker, two hundred titles (Yeah, huh?)
I hit your idol, top off the Spider
Don't need a writer, know you a biter (Damn)
DP to Metro, guess who the driver (It's Gucci)
Millions on millions, I'm clutchin' a rifle
I set the trend now she diggin' my Nikes (Well, damn)
Pavé the Cuban, I'm Gucci so icy
Mob in this bitch with a hundred for-lifers (It's Gucci)
Six figure striker, two hundred titles (Yeah, huh?)
I hit your idol, top off the spider
Don't need a writer, know you a biter
DP to Metro, guess who the driver (It's Gucci)
Millions on millions, I'm clutchin' a rifle
I set the trend now she diggin' my Nikes (Well, damn)
Pavé the Cuban, I'm Gucci so icy
Mob in this bitch with a hundred for-lifers (It's Gucci)

(Gangsta Grizzilz)
Greatest of all trappers

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