Gucci Mane

Songtext I told myself Gucci Mane


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Der musikalische text I TOLD MYSELF von GUCCI MANE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Greatest of all trappers (2024)

Greatest of all trappers


I told myself

I can't never go broke, I already told myself that
I can’t let these haters trick off the streets, I already told myself that
I'm the greatest of all trappers, I already told myself that
I ain't never drinkin’ that lean shit no more, I already told myself that
(Honorable C.N.O.T.E., Dramatic)

I'm on the road to the riches, I already told myself (I told myself)
I ain't goin' back to the trenches, I already told myself (I told myself)
Can't fuck no more regular bitches, I already told myself (I told myself, regular bitches)
No regular gun, we need switches, I alredy told myself (Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah, I told myself)
You gon' get dropped if you snitchin', I already told myself (Just told myself)
I'm ’bout to run up a billion, that’s what I just told myself (Just told myself, cha-cha-cha-ching)
I don't need nobody else, that’s what I just told myself (Just told myself, nobody else)
I'm the last real nigga left, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, last real nigga)

I don't need you hold me down, I can hold down myself (Hold down myself)
No need to cap me down, I ain’t finna hold my breath (Finna hold my breath)
I don't need nobody 'round me, I can be around myself (Be around myself)
I don't really need no artist, I can just sign myself (I can sign myself)
I had to find myself, I had to remind myself (Had to remind myself)
Put the old Wop on the shelf, I had to rewind myself (Protect my health)
It's just me and the fam', fuck everybody else (Fuck everybody else)
I'm cuttin' everybody off, that's what I just told myself (I just told myself)
I ain't sippin' lean no more, had already told myself (Just told myself)
Said I wasn't poppin' no beans, I guess I couldn't control myself (Control myself)
I ain't fuckin' them bad bitches, I had been just told myself (I had told myself)
And all my artists go platinum, but I can go gold myself (I go gold myself)

I'm on the road to the riches, I already told myself (I told myself)
I ain't goin' back to the trenches, I already told myself (I told myself)
Can't fuck no more regular bitches, I already told myself (I told myself, regular bitches)
No regular gun, we need switches, I alredy told myself (Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah, I told myself)
You gon' get dropped if you snitchin', I already told myself (Just told myself)
I'm 'bout to run up a billion, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, cha-cha-cha-ching)
I don't need nobody else, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, nobody else)
I'm the last real nigga left, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, last real nigga)

I'm the greatest trapper alive, a lot of niggas disagree (Disagree)
Everybody gettin' a lil' money, but they ain't get money like me (Not money like me)
All they albums be weak, all they jewelry look cheap (They jewelry be garbage)
Every time they speak, they be lyin' through they teeth (They be lyin')
Every time you see me, I look like five hundred million (Five hundred mil')
With diamonds in my grill and diamonds on my children (Burr, burr)
I move just like a mob boss, I'm not even Sicilian (Not even Sicilian)
The neighbors see me and think I'm just a regular civilian (Just a regular civilian)
A lot of niggas jumped ship, didn't see the vision (Go, go)
Probably have a billion now if I didn't go to prison (Have a billion)
Can't even count my money, my shit be comin' in pounds (Comin' in pounds)
And I got more money than all them, I'm just thinkin' out loud (I'm thinkin' out loud)

I'm on the road to the riches, I already told myself (I told myself)
I ain't goin' back to the trenches, I already told myself (I told myself)
Can't fuck no more regular bitches, I already told myself (I told myself, regular bitches)
No regular gun, we need switches, I alredy told myself (Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah, I told myself)
You gon' get dropped if you snitchin', I already told myself (Just told myself)
I'm 'bout to run up a billion, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, cha-cha-cha-ching)
I don't need nobody else, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, nobody else)
I'm the last real nigga left, that's what I just told myself (Just told myself, Gangsta Grillz)

See, you gotta tell yourself the things you want in life
You gotta tell yourself the greatness you want to accomplish
You gotta tell yourself
I will be on that Mount Rushmore
Who else gon' tell you?

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