Angel Haze

Songtext Planes fly Angel Haze


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Planes fly

Don’t think your love is the antidote
Don’t try to fix me when you know you’re just as broken
Don’t tell me that I’ll be okay
When every time you kiss me you can taste a little pain

We can dance with the stars while I fish from the moon
Using messages bottled to the pits of my womb
And I thought that in the midst of me dyin' you found a cure for me
And magnetize your vibrance and finally had a pull on me
I pictured you running to everywhere you would need to go
I’m up in the air, still running from everything below
Yo, I’m not sure what this is but I’ve got jet fuel in my soul
Propellors tucked in my ribs
We’ll fly

When the tunnel's got no light
And the light exposes this dull life
It’s alright
When the good feels bad but the bad feels better

Planes fly
High enough to take us anywhere
And we’ll go
We'll hear no, breathe no, see no fear
And I know
Trouble will find wherever we are
Keep wishing easy baby
We’ll be closer to the stars

Swallowed my secrets like a bitter pill
Repeat the same mistakes so wounds will never heal
You know the reason I can’t look you in your eyes
But I want your guilty body like you love my dirty mind

We’ll fly
And I would never see you wrong so try
And when everything is gone then I
Will be wherever you reside
With my eyes full of passion
Desire running behind it
I don’t know what that means
But I’m sure we’ll find out together
When the good feels bad and the tunnel feels like forever
And hearts slow sink like a birds’s lost feather
The end all, be all, the pulling to a lever

Planes fly
High enough to take us anywhere
And we’ll go
We'll hear no, breathe no, see no fear
And I know
Trouble will find wherever we are
Keep wishing easy baby
We’ll be closer to the stars

Keep running baby til you find yourself tonight
Keep running baby here you can be what you like
Keep running baby til you find yourself tonight
Keep running baby: spread your wings and fly

Planes fly
Bewind the skies like faded faith
And I’ve tried to live my life at my own pace
But we lose so much time here on the ground
So it’s now
Take your flight or burn it down

Planes fly
High enough to take us anywhere
And we’ll go
We'll hear no, breathe no, see no fear
And I know
Trouble will find wherever we are
Keep wishing easy baby
We’ll be closer to the stars

Keep running baby til you find yourself tonight
Keep running baby here you can be what you like
Keep running baby til you find yourself tonight
Keep running baby: spread your wings and fly

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