Angel Haze

Songtext Crown Angel Haze


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Stepped up in the game
But dropped a motherfucker on his head
Promise everybody in this motherfucker gon be dead
Killin shit, killin' it. all my supervillan shit
Fuck the label, then applaud. I'm the name that's filling in
My brain is some substellar bitch, my tongue is like a billiard kid
Learned to deal to anything, droppin' like a heavy rain
Hard flow, bars dope, I'll connect to god though
Wish a bitch would and I'mma box'em like some cardboard
Playing fucking stupid but I be on my blunt and honest shit
Who you kid with me to put em on that only one insist
I'm lyrically giullotine my body's just a killing beast
I'm like fucking world war one you niggas can't give into me
You bitches wanna be like me, I'm who you pretend to be
Say I don't stunt shit. you gotta be kidding me
Everybody tougher then but nothing in this industry
Come and take a look, I'm the realest and you finna see

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands up now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands right now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Drop those bombs uh, drop that beat like
Brought it like red dogs, strong on this beat like
Bit it like teeth, knocked out in a street fight
She's like yeah bitch I'm on like
Look at the bitch that's true
Naw man that's shit just to get her through
Bitch get outta my way or I'll run my crew
Get outta this place or you'll meet my crew
Get outta my face or you'll meet my shoe
You only met me that's alright I told you
Bitch I'm in this bitch I'm bout to greet my space I'm cutting you

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands up now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands right now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Spitting like a heavy weight, there's lots of this to handle
Drop it on a motherfucker its hotter than an ample
Who you think you kidding bitch I'm hotter than a handful
I'm bout these motherfuckers for they flaming like candles
Everything I do, I do to prove that I am good at it
Bitch you think you pumped well I'm lyrically a sweater to you
Catch me in the world bro, doin what I said id do
All hell is waiting bitch, put me on the pedestal
And I'm lockin' runnin' I'm gunnin I never stop the beat
Actin' like you good bitch, fuck your home I punish you
Bitch I came to kill shit, literally kill shit
I take a bitches life right, got em' on that trill shit

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands up now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands right now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

Gimme one time bitch gimme one crown
I'm the I'm the queen bitch gimme my bounce
Everybody lemme see your hands right now
Put em' up put em'
Pull the sky down

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