Angel Haze

Songtext Deep sea diver Angel Haze


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Deep sea diver

La la la la, la la la
La la la la, la la la
La la la la, la la la....

Rage colored lilies
Brave covered in pity
Lights smother this city
I pray He doesn't forget me
I pray He doesn't forget me that lonely night in November
When we fell into the hands of the coldest day in December

Then became the product of the trust that we had lost and found
Got you deep in the emotion just to watch you drown
And I had never left the land's sand
Cause I was busy building castles for a dead man

Shouldn't have taken my eyes of you
I shouldn't have straddled the lines crossed too
And now I've been searching but can't find you
Hence me being lost since you're the one I'm entwined to

So, is love the picture that we've tainted now?
No, am I still with you when I ain't around?
Am I the subject you tip-toe or walk around?
And if this love is on the ledge I'm trying to talk it down

(Bring me your love)
We were deap sea divers
(Bring me your love)
On another mans' planet
(I need your love)
And I fell for you hard babe
(Bring me your love)
But I never quite landed
(Bring me your love)
Now I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
Still can't forget you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I can't be with you

So, instead of sailing I live like a human parachute
The more I'm falling the further I am compared to you
It's like I'm stuck in the air, while you're pale and blue
Chasing clouds and hoping they lead a trail to you
See, we were deep sea divers
And I was focused on survival
And death does you part when you're focused on its rival
Defibrillator love, I'm just focused on revival

You could, you could put your hands in mine
And we'll walk through the sands in the sand of time
Until we paint the end of this love scene
Until I'm laid to rest in your blood stream

Until I hear the strings of your heart playing
Until I hear the things you are not saying
Until I find out what it really means
And hopefully it's everything it really seems

(Bring me your love)
We were deap sea divers
(Bring me your love)
On another mans' planet
(I need your love)
And I fell for you hard babe
(Bring me your love)
But I never quite landed
(Bring me your love)
Now I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
Still can't forget you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you

Breaking me open again
Oh darling, chasing what's gone with the wind
Oh no, I can't be with you
Oh no no, I can't be with you
I can't be with you
Oh no no, I can't be with you

La la la la, la la la
La la la la, la la la
La la la la, la la la...

(Bring me your love)
We were deap sea divers
(Bring me your love)
On another mans' planet
(I need your love)
And I fell for you hard babe
(Bring me your love)
But I never quite landed
(Bring me your love)
Now I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
Still can't forget you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you

(Bring me your love)
We were deap sea divers
(Bring me your love)
On another mans' planet
(I need your love)
And I fell for you hard babe
(Bring me your love)
But I never quite landed
(Bring me your love)
Now I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
And I can't be with you
(Bring me your love)
Still can't forget you
(I need your love)
And I scream for your name and I call for you babe but I can't be with you
(La la la la)
And I can't be with you
(I need your love)
And I can't be with you

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