
Songtext Nirvana Skepta


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Der musikalische text NIRVANA von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden All in (2021)

All in




I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill
Baby, de nada
I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill
Baby, de nada

Every day's my birthday, I need a piece of cake
Mamacita lookin' like a figure-eight
I see the hook, I still bit the bait (Trust)
Good pussy keepin' me awake
Got them big racks, mak? the milkshake
And I don't discriminate
Boy, if sh?'s a snack, that's a dinner date (Sexy)
She knows that I'm the suavecito (Ha)
I don't care 'bout the fame, this life is a game
And I got the cheat code (Mhmm)
I play it in greaze mode
Jump in the Rollie, got the wheels spinnin' like I'm in a casino
Back to the crib, I'ma shoot a movie, I'm on my Tarantino
Grip on your waist, look in your eyes and I kiss on your face
Tell me how you feel, your secrets are safe
Told her 'bout the pain, and she can relate
Let's turn up the heat, break the ice
Uh, she wants to stay the night
Supposed to leave the city in the morning
Looking like I gotta change my flight

I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill
Baby, de nada
I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza (J Balvin, man)
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill (J Balvin, man)
Baby, de nada

Ey, ¿cuál es tu nombre?, dime, dímelo (Wuh)
Que pa' conocerte vine (Vine, vine)
Te vi tan sola que no me aguanté, por eso yo intervine (-vine)
Vamo' a hacerlo real, no hace falta que te lo imagine' (Wuh)
Dime, mami (Ah), quieres que te guaye (Ah, ah)
Pero calladita porque no hay que dar detalles (Ah, ah)
Tú te hace' la fina, pero tienes calle
De aquí no me voy sin que con un beso me calle', calle' (Shh, shh)
Dale, dime, mami, quieres que te guaye
Pero calladito porque no hay que dar detalles (-talle')
Tú te hace' la fina (Fina), pero tienes calle (Wuh)
De aquí no me voy sin que con un beso me calle', calle'

I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill
Baby, de nada
I like the way she walk in the Prada, ¿cómo te llamas?
Don Julio and marijuana, I'm tryna take you to your Nirvana
What's the occasion? Every day's a celebration
When you come from the Gaza
Don't worry 'bout who's gonna pay the bill
Baby, de nada

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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