
Songtext Bellator Skepta


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Der musikalische text BELLATOR von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden All in (2021)

All in



For my dargs on the wing (Brr-brr)
This is for my brothers in the grave (Greaze)

This is for my brothers in the grave and my dargs on the wing (Free 'em)
Disrespect my niggas, that's a cardinal sin (Huh?)
Walk into the club, I might be dancin' with your ting (Sexy)
I'ma slam dunk it, put my arm in the ring (Slam)
Catch a nigga slippin', gettin' trippy in the store (Huh?)
I'ma Pop Smoke him, I'ma do it in Dior (Bo)
Michael Venom Paige him, I'ma do it Bellator (Greaze)
Used to run his mouth, now he can't do that anymore (Ha)

I used to roll 'round the corner (Neow), lock-in to Westwood (Brr)
Five rocks on me, that's a hundred pound juug (Juug)
I was trappin' like a fool (Greaze), tryna play it cool (Ha)
Kept that fuckin' tool (Y?ah), told my brothers "Stay in school" (Yeah)
Ain't no loyalty for shit, most thes? brothers due to switch
If he gets hit with twenty-six, he's gon' definitely snitch (Definitely snitch)
Interview me 'bout the case, that's a waste of a tape (Pshh)
I'ma play my cards right, hit 'em with the poker face, woah
Life is a gamble, you better roll the dice (Roll it)
Everybody's got a price, better hold on to your wife (Hold on to your)
If I send a DM, will she reply? 'Cause she might
Tryna put you on a flight, let's get friggy for the night (Neow)
Had to grind for my money, didn't happen overnight (Nah-huh)
I was juugin' and finessin', had the dark and the light (Finesse)
All these niggas fallin' off and I can't bring 'em back to life (Nah)
I remember you was hungry, boy, you lost your appetite (Huh)

This is for my brothers in the grave and my dargs on the wing (Free 'em)
Disrespect my niggas, that's a cardinal sin (Huh?)
Walk into the club, I might be dancin' with your ting (Sexy)
I'ma slam dunk it, put my arm in the ring (Slam)
Catch a nigga slippin', gettin' trippy in the store (Huh?)
I'ma Pop Smoke him, I'ma do it in Dior (Bo)
Michael Venom Paige him, I'ma do it Bellator (Greaze)
Used to run his mouth, now he can't do that anymore (Ha)

For my dargs on the wing (Brr)
For my dargs on the wing (Brr)
For my dargs on the wing (Brr)
For my dargs on the wing (Brr)
For my dargs on the wing (Brr)

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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