
Songtext Lit like this Skepta


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Der musikalische text LIT LIKE THIS von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden All in (2021)

All in


Lit like this

Got the girls, the cars, the money in the bank (Bank)
Keys to the house, whip bigger than a tank
So much ice it's a joke, don't mistake it for a prank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a shank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a skeng (Ice)
You got bagged for a M, he didn't even get a ten (Snitch)
Them boys snitchin', man, they're rattin' on their friends (Brrt)
He's a opp boy, can't pattin' up again (JAE5)

Back from the village with a brand new source
Another G.O.A.T. got sacrificed of course (Freeze)
I don't like passa, Black Lives Matter
But if a opp drops, I cannot feel remorse
It's money, murder, and sexual intercourse
Big smoke, I never play the victim
Money hangin' on my neck, tryna bring my niggas in (Try)
'Cause it's a cut-throat world that we livin' in
Still, if I had to pick a side, I pick the gang side (Freeze)
Check the scoreboard, they're losin' by a landslide
See them hatin' on me and I understand why (Why?)
They know my name in every city, this a franchise
Talk shit, jump ship, watch it capsize
Money on your skin fade, that's a flat line (Smoke)
We takin' champagne showers, gettin' baptized
Bring some more Dom Pérignon for the bad guy

Got the girls, the cars, the money in the bank (Woo)
Keys to the house, whip bigger than a tank
So much ice it's a joke, don't mistake it for a prank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a shank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a skeng (Ice)
You got bagged for a M, he didn't even get a ten (Snitch)
Them boys snitchin', man, they're rattin' on their friends (Brrt)
He's a opp boy, can't pattin' up again

I made her laugh, now she calls me Prince Charming
I don't care about the price, I'll just put my card in (Swipe)
I'll be fresher than your boyfriend inside the coffin
I was born cryin', I'ma die laughin'
You ever seen a friend turn frenemy? (Huh?)
Grew up in the hood where all I see is jealousy (Brrt)
Brothers switched up on me 'cause I adjusted
I still love 'em but they can never be trusted (Freeze)
Yeah, I know you see what I just did
Came in a double-
R, left in another car (Ice)
GQ, top-five, I'm a cover star
I ain't gotta say names, you know who the brothers are (Freeze)
Give 'em the green light, I can make a youth famous
Hear them talkin' 'bout me like they're newspapers
Who are they though? Who are you though?
We only talkin' money in the studio (Go)

Got the girls, the cars, the money in the bank (Woo)
Keys to the house, whip bigger than a tank
So much ice it's a joke, don't mistake it for a prank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a shank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a skeng (Ice)
You got bagged for a M, he didn't even get a ten (Snitch)
Them boys snitchin', man, they're rattin' on their friends (Brrt)
He's a opp boy, can't pattin' up again
Got the girls, the cars, the money in the bank (Woo)
Keys to the house, whip bigger than a tank
So much ice it's a joke, don't mistake it for a prank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a shank (Ice)
When you're lit like this, you might need to get a skeng (Ice)
You got bagged for a M, he didn't even get a ten (Snitch)
Them boys snitchin', man, they're rattin' on their friends (Brrt)
He's a opp boy, can't pattin' up again

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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