Chance The Rapper

Songtext Lil bit (interlude) Chance The Rapper


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Lil bit (interlude)

Hey, what's up? It's Hannibal Buress and it's another Christmas album from Chance the Rapper and Jeremih. I guess these motherfuckers just really love Christmas! Two Christmas albums?
Jesus Christ! No pun intended

Am I high? A lil' bit (yeah)
Can I drive? A lil' bit (yeah)
Am I fine? A lil' bit (skrrr)
Can I vibe? A lil' bit (yeah)
Dancing diamond? A lil' bit
Sunshine a lil' flip
Pretty woman? A lil' bit
Frankie Lymon? A lil' bit
My baby momma a lil' rich
That's the one I'm still with
Break up and get fixed
We'll get hitched like Will Smith
Lame nigga beg your pardon
All my niggas taking charges (ok)
All you niggas making bargains
Stealing lighters, taking chargers
Every painter ain't an artist
Every album ain't a target
I just had to supermark it
I just had to shoot the target
Put the flower in the pot
Put the pot in the bowl
Put the stove on the flame
Let it rock, let it roll
Get the water from the sink
Watch it grow, watch it grow
Watch it grow, watch it grow
Watch it grow, watch it grow

I'm cold a lil' bit
Wrists froze lil' bit
Black ice lil' bit
Whip sliding a lil' bit
Oh you say you're tired? A lil' bit
Can we just vibe lil' bit
It's grey skies a lil' bit
Just spend the night lil' bit
I'm cold a lil' bit
Wrists froze lil' bit
Black ice lil' bit
Whip slide a lil' bit
Oh, you say you're tired? A lil' bit
Can we just vibe lil' bit
Know it's grey skies a lil' bit
Stay for the night lil' bit

Real life I admit I missed the snow in the wintertime
Grinch don't steal no Christmas, give me mine
Tryna show you Black Friday, tell them niggas get in line
And you know what I need, don't stop no for them gifts
Say I'm on your list
I follow they won't shop, oh you think I'm on a bitch
I know you say you wanna dip shorty
Pick you from the Ritz
We should just get to first base
I'ma take the pitch

Hit Sephora right quick (Mhm)
Tower water right quick (Mhm)
Light menorah right quick (Mhm)
Mike fedora right quick (Mhm)
South shore to the seashore out in Bora Bora right quick
Ford Taurus right quick
Lil' chorus right quick

I'm cold a lil' bit
Wrists froze lil' bit
Black ice lil' bit
Whip slide a lil' bit
Oh you say you're tired? A lil' bit
Can we just vibe lil' bit
It's grey skies a lil' bit
Just spend the night lil' bit
I'm cold a lil' bit
Wrists froze lil' bit
Black ice lil' bit
Whip slide a lil' bit
Oh, you say you're tired? A lil' bit
Can we just vibe lil' bit
Know it's grey skies a lil' bit
Stay for the night lil' bit

Lil' boys and girls wanna come and play?
Toy with the lights, Rudolph on the sleigh
Snow from the sky, midnight on the way
Santa down the chimney for the cookies on the plate
Joy and some cheers in the ghetto today
'Tis the season, give love away
Have yourself a very merry Christmas
Have yourself a very merry Christmas

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