Chance The Rapper

Songtext Big kid again Chance The Rapper


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Big kid again

Still asleep I'd rather open presents with you baby (uh huh)
Canyon, Canyon
Wake up early I Just wanna open presents with you baby
Kensli Kensli (IGH)

Grown but I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me
Grown but I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me

Can't wait till I get home yeah 'tis the season
Greens and them hamhocks
Yeah where's the seasoning
Hope that aunty come wrap Santas gifts yeah
Hope that none her fam wasn't round to see that
I saw mummy kissing Santa Claus
They snuck in and out the halls
On my wrist my neck deck the halls
If I ain't say nun' no one else does

Grown but I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my Christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me
Grown but I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my Christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me

Growing up we had it hard
Santa rarely at the door
Daddy worked to keep us warm
But you know we just wanted more
But look at how far we ran, look what I am
Daddy used to work that Streets & San
Put a black man in the White House damn!
Name me one teacher that was right about Chance
Right about Kim or right about Cam
Right about Jan. I write down plans
Put it on the drawing boards like y'all kids
And get it done if not right now when?
We was broke now we not now
Santa loud when he knock now
Getting bands like The Rock now
Shaking hands with Barack now
Smoking woods like a chimney
Green faces all grinchy
Tryna give her that Disney
Merry Christmas lil' Kensli

Grown But I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my Christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me
Grown But I feel like a big kid again
Got everything that I wanted on my Christmas list
Copped a new toy, it can't fit under the Christmas tree
If you ain't up to nothing babe run a couple blocks with me

Still asleep I'd rather open presents with you baby (uh huh)
Canyon, Canyon
Wake up early I Just wanna open presents with you baby
Kensli Kensli

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