Chance The Rapper

Songtext Family for Chance The Rapper


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Family for

Wanna cry, wanna laugh
Wanna give all I have
I'm so grateful
I can fight through the pain
'Cause I fight in your name
You're my shelter
I'm so grateful for you

For my house, for my home
For my chair, for your throne
For your love, for your mercy and grace
For a job or a dub or a odd or a slug
Or a bone or whatever you say
Hop in the whip and turn the heat up
Turn that seat hotter than a teacup
Please tell the car to turn the beat up
Evergreen Plaza, had the black Santa
Coconuts across the street, get my CD's up
Shout out Meechy, Peanut, LaTiara
Used to buy my snow cones, pay ya back tomorrow
Every time I go home, hear a bunch of sorrows
Grass is always muddy at the other party
Drive down to Blue Island for that flavor
Where they ain't scared to say the name of the Savior
Oh, we got some healing, got some blessings, got some favors
We got some gifts, we on the list for good behavior

Give you whatever you want
Ain't that what the family for?
All I know, all I want
Be around the family more
Be there whenever you want
You know what the family for?
All I know, all I want
Be around the family more

My cousins not soft, one skippin' frosh off
One finally grew up, cut the block off and cut his locks off
One of 'em passing all her classes, Now pass the hot sauce
Never become one of those knockoffs that rather not talk
I know I look just look my auntie, (love my auntie)
I'ma keep it funky, talk too much like Donkey
On my back like monkey (love my auntie)
On my line like laundry, she keep it a hundred
I'm the biggest brother, biggest cousin, big ol' nigga big folks
Just hit my jack like Peter Pan, that shit don't never get old
They introduce some evidence, my homie might never get home
That's why we screamin' "Fuck the president" like Marilyn Monroe

Give you whatever you want
Ain't that what the family for?
All I know, all I want
Be around the family more
Be there whenever you want
You know what the family for
All I want, all I want
Be around the family more

Wanna cry, wanna laugh
Wanna give all I have
I'm so grateful
I can fight through the pain
'Cause I fight in your name
You're my shelter
I'm so grateful for you

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