Jay Idk

Songtext Last song (jay) Jay Idk


Last song (jay)

Look I don't mean to hate
But these niggas ain't great
These niggas ain't hungry
It's crumbs left on they plate
These niggas don't know how it feel
To see you building thousands of fans
Then come to find out half of them fake
'Cause you thought that you paid for real fuckin' promotion
But them niggas weren't giving a fuck about your emotions
No them niggas was trying to use your dream as
A steam to power they selfishness
For a year I put 'em in motion
Y'all thought it stopped me from going?
He been rapping and flowing
He been shoulda' been tourin'
He been shoulda' been on
He been shoulda' been rich
He been shoulda' had a deal
Guess the only been I did was keeping trill alive
A lot of these niggas not real
A lot of rappers signed, but they claimin'
They indie like they ain't really got deals
Used to be blind 'til I took the time to find
These niggas is only beatin' me
Cause they push like a cargo and downhill
So I'ma take my 150 fans
That I built by myself with my business plan
Tryna' play the starving artist and fucking business man
Feed them niggas great music
And hope that they tell they friends
And maybe it'll expand
Maybe I'll feel the feeling of being the fucking man
Maybe then
Fuck that maybe was never in the plans
I will
Don't need no co-sign or none of your bullshit deals
For real

This song's so you remember me
Got love for all my enemies
This one is for all my every things
The broken promises I never made
This one is for all my better days
The people looking for a better race
I pray this song will be the remedy
At least I hope that you remember me

If you a blogger that I met when politicin', we build
If you want dollars for posting me on your site then I chill
See you can keep the post if your love for my music ain't real
The money I'm makin' from flipping all these adderall pills
Is to continue making music, maybe make me a mill'
Maybe see Sway in the Morning, Charlamagne, XXL
I gotta pay for visuals before I pay my phone bill
But find a way to keep the service and the internet still
That's how I know that I am not gonna' fail!
My love for rapping is real!
I studied niggas like Melle Mel, Big L, and LL
I used to bump the chronic heavy back when I was jail
That was my bible when I felt like I was going through hell
I used to rap for all the inmates in the dorms and the cells
They said I had bars, ironic, but I'm being for real
They said you got the flow like Lupe and the style like Pharrell
So when you make bail, you better take your ass out and tell your story!

This song's so you remember me
Got love for all my enemies
This one is for all my every things
The broken promises I never made
This one is for all my better days
The people looking for a better race
I pray this song will be the remedy
At least I hope that you remember me

Number 11 on Graduation, I felt the Glory
The pressure's the reason none of the shit I make is boring
The reason why I put all of my heart, all of my time
All of my effort, into making sure you know my story!
I never knew my father, fuck it I don't need no Maury
I never graduated, never told my mom I'm sorry
'Cause I ain't trying to, I'm tryna' do a substitute
That's different from throwing a fucking tassle like the rest of you!

I pray to Lord that my time never ends
'Cause this life has to end
It won't come back again
Oh no, no
And when it comes
I won't take it for granted
Faith in my passion
Is why this gon' happen
For sure!
I pray to Lord that my time never ends
'Cause this life has to end
It won't come back again
Oh no, no
And when it comes
I won't take it for granted
Faith in my passion
Is why this gon' happen
For sure!

This song's so you remember me
Got love for all my enemies
This one is for all my every things
The broken promises I never made
This one is for all my better days
The people looking for a better race
I pray this song will be the remedy
At least I hope that you remember me

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