Jay Idk

Songtext God said trap (king trappy iii) Jay Idk


God said trap (king trappy iii)

My life been on a better tip ever since i been selling that pack
I wonder how much better it would get if I cooked up crack
I could sell an O of the green in a week and a half
Imagine if that shit was white, hmmm... let me do the math
Ima pull up in an Audi when I push that powdee
Push the button start it up if po po come I'm outty
If a nigga come up shorty on my re up money
Murk em
Don't you ever doubt me all my niggas rowdy, all my niggas rowdy
All my niggas whip that arm and hammer
All em armed with hammers
Fuck with me they make you disappear
Allah Ka Ka Zam ya
Jugging for my niggas in the jammer
If i hear you tellin
Put some money on my nigga book's
Leave ya body smelling
Shaq with the free throw I got the bricks
And if the judge try to bargin I plead the fith
And if I win I ain't stopping DA I'm sorry
I'm flipping work till my Audi turn to a rari

If you need that coke
It's right here
If you need that dope it's right here
If you need that's weed it's right here
That PCP
It's right here
If you need that lean it's right here
If you need a pound it's right here
Your connect got a drought I'm right here

I could buy a brick for a dollar
On gawd
I'm getting money every time I'm in the streets
My nigga it's a lituation
On gawd
Everytime I move an OZ in the or a key
Gotta choppa that'll lay you down
On gawd
N I can show you if you niggas wan see
My nigga it's a celebration
On Gawd
Every time we beat the case and get released
Yay yay yay yay

Yesterday my homie pulled up in his brand new Honda Accord
He seen a porche that his credit said he couldn't afford
What is a dream that you see but you ain't working towards?
Part of the speech that I have him when I fronted him 4 ?
Kelows of the blow blow, Cut it down
Cook it up, That will make, ocho triple oh oh
80 racks bring it back buy his own key I ain't gotta sell shit
Yea that's the way the game go
See that's more dough than he started with
That's enough dough to buy him a new whip
If he stack up he gon be a new crib
Meanwhile I'm sitting here getting so rich
God dammit that's the shit
Got dammit this life, I ain't gotta think twice
My nigga I'm good, and every time I jugg
I eat steak with the rice
Silver spoon for the kids
A dream wedding for the wife
The only thing that I risk is that shit looking like
Neno, New Jack, When the hopped out the van
With the strap Blap Blap
I keep saying Ima stop someday
Girlfriend saying Ima get caught one day
I can stop till I get what I want okay
Only problem is my wants never go away
I want more cars, more clothes
More hoes, and the requires more blow
And if I stop then is repos, foreclose
Fuck that I need a mill man so where the coke and the pills at

If you need that coke
It's right here
If you need that dope it's right here
If you need that's weed it's right here
That's pcp
It's right here
If you an ounce it's right here
If you need a pound it's right here
Your connect got a drought I'm right here

I could buy a brick for a dollar
On gawd
I'm getting money every time I'm in the streets
My nigga it's a lituation
On gawd
Everytime I move an OZ in the or a key
Gotta choppa that'll lay you down
On gawd
N I can show you if you niggas wan see
My nigga it's a celebration
On Gawd
Every time we beat the case and get released
Yay yay yay yay

South side
West side
North side
All the money comes to me when you get high
East side 3 side world wide
If you hustle on my streets better pay tithes
Whip that
Flip that
Get back
When the re up comes we gon spend stacks
South side
West side
North side
When it's time to take my spot
They gon
(gun shots)

Aye yo check the trunk for the work!

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