Jay Idk

Songtext 2 hoes Jay Idk


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2 hoes

2 Chainz got two chains, I got two hoes
And another ho, and another ho
That's four bitches on the bed, giving me the head
Bust, Bust, make them catch a bus
But before the bus come, pat all them bitches down
Cause I don't trust no ho! (Nope)
I don't trust no ho! (Nope)
We don't trust no ho!

Put your hands to the sky, if you know that you’re one of them guys
That like

[Hook: Jay IDK]
Two hoes
And another ho, and another ho
That's four bitches on the bed, giving me the head
Bust, Bust, make them catch a bus
But before the bus come, pat all them bitches down
Cause I don't trust no ho! (Nope)
I don't trust no ho! (Nope)
We don't trust no ho!
Put your hands to the sky, if you know that you’re one of them guys
That like two

[Verse 1: Jay IDK]
She just popped a molly, so she's high as fuck (fuck)
Inside of her palm, is her friend’s butt (butt)
I just popped a bottle, so you know what's up (what's up)
Take me to the crib and make my dick erupt
Damn motherfucker I be on that, cognac
Reason why my hands down her ass crack, palm that
Finish off the blunt, throw it on the floor, stomp that
Then spit game until my dick make contact...
With her pussy
Nope, I don't need your contact
Only one night, ho, do you realize that?
Do you realize, real guys ain't where i'm at?
Do you realize that i'm trying to bust, bust
Like a mack on your Mac make up, wake up
Wait until you get a taste of Jason
Put this dick inside your back
I'ma to break ya’ back, when you bring it back
After that, grab a match
I'm waiting for you to stop acting so bougie up in here
Bitch you ain't royal, quit acting like you're spoiled
Acting like I ain't got two

[Hook x2: Jay IDK]

[Verse 2: Eddie Vanz]
Nigga's saying it's a dog eat dog world
So you know I keep some bitches for my bitches (for my bitches)
But I got to let them know we only fucking
Fall victim to the dick
But save the trippin’ for your nigga's
Don't love them, ain't no committing
Rather fuck them then forget them
Fornicating, I been sinning
I just pray the Lord forgive me, amen
Cause they don't know what I've been through
They just know that I be rapping
And these bitches that I'm into (better know it)
And if they're coming in two's
Lord have mercy on their pussy, and their friends too (friends too)
My dick is an instrumental (mental)
I'm six foot, I beat it up like it's something I have to tend to
But hold up, hold up
Bring it back, come rewind
Keeping a king cobra, i'm faded out my mind
Lean got me slowed up
I'm losing track of time
But these nigga's better know I still run shit (run shit)
Even though I'm getting high with the low life's
Swear the bottle make me feel like I have no life (no life)
For my niggas who believed in me my whole life
Just keep believing, I promise we're going to be alright (better know it)
But I'm going to let the hoes keep hoeing
And I'm going to let the bitches keep bitching
And if you got a girlfriend with a girlfriend
Cut my dick in it, we can all get with it, I ain't lying!

[Hook x2: Jay IDK]

[Bridge: Jay IDK]
I got two hoes at UMD
I got two hoes out in Bowie State
I got two hoes at James Madison; I pray to god they don't say they got raped
I got a ho and she go to VCU
Another one at HU, that'll make it two
Whether I'm talking Hampton or Howard
A hand full of powder, a pimp no limp
Standing on a whole pile of...

[Hook x2: Jay IDK]

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