Aesop Rock

Songtext Kodokushi Aesop Rock


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I shouldn't even be here, mum's the word
I burn down the house, I gum up the works
I'm the wrong vibration to summon to Earth
When the cuffs break, better make enough of the cure
I go proto-human, I'm so unruly
Architect of my Kodokushi
En Garde, hop in the box of chopped arms
On the blocks beyond the pop art stock yard
Got a red phone right to the inside
I could turn a ribcage into windchimes
You don't wanna engage, kiddo, it's a burden to bare
It's a whirlybird, nervous and a surface to air
I lost count of the cooks, every coward and crook
Every memory a semblance of a night in the woods
I'm too unrubbed elbows running through weeds
Even a good eye couldn't find the edge of my seat
Old potpourri, a confusing powers
All mashed together and shooting outward
Intel gleaned from the prince of dark
Scarecrow every 10 for infinity yards
When a spirit invested, consider living apart
It's official, I ain't sign up for the missional art
My call of duty stay all consuming
Even if y'all see him as a dollar movie, look
Best in show, I'm the worst there is
That pest control is no urban myth
That floating skull just won't shut up
It's on a business trip, from below the crust
Y'all know what's up
Bad moves from the black lung
Used to flatline, that shit is so last month, yo
I don't need money to burn, I need sunsets purple and mother of pearl, c'mon

I told ya
I told ya
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
I told ya
I told ya
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
There they come now, you see them (Yea)

I'mma need you to ease back
No peace out, bleed to the E-Vac
Don't be where you be at (Yeah)
I've been looking for a reason to react (Yeah)
I'mma need you to reset
No plea, no please, no defense
Don't creep in the deep end (Yeah)
I've been looking for a reason to see red (Yeah)

Territorial organisms
Each glorifying our poor decisions
I'm a force you could forecast, swarming insects
Who eat all the corn like war is business
I'm pageant wait for my shallow grave
Patch me in from that astral plane
Ain't ring the bell, I pass through the walls
A cool burgundy in both tooth and claw
Midnight manage an incredible feat
A GPS collar on the neck of the beast
It go beep-beep any neck of the reef
Put a reaper on a second week of medical leave
I'm a seer, I could tell her how the curtain descend
And maybe when and how it isn't with a circle of friends
I go ba with the black sheep, ra-ra catch me a patsy
Spaz, unravel, and blaspheme
Red thought they keep the gate
It's a groundhog D-Day, Jesus H
I was born on a horse on a steeplechase
My fortes front line real estate
Plus steak and frites'll take bloody as hell
If it burned black corn, it met the honey and milk
I ain't sitting while you sully the well
I turn in a jiff, jackknife when I jump in the pit
100 hands, 1 million eyes
2 bleeding gums, I will survive
That last line's rose-colored only for a limited time
It all shifts when you militarize
I had a vision of a feather on a seasonal wind
In the shadow of a gargoyle fiending a brick
Lean in, steal your chips
Where I'm from, y'all wouldn't even be in the mix, ayy

I told ya
I told ya
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
I told ya
I told ya
There they come now, you see them (Yea)
There they come now, you see them (Yea)

I'mma need you to ease back
No peace out, bleed to the E-Vac
Don't be where you be at (Yeah)
I've been looking for a reason to react (Yeah)
I'mma need you to reset
No plea, no please, no defense
Don't creep in the deep end (Yeah)
I've been looking for a reason to see red (Yeah)

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

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