Aesop Rock

Songtext Crystal sword Aesop Rock


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Crystal sword

Carry his own water
Is nary a known other
Read a palm when I parry apparently no sucker
Man slash island, casually hammers iron
Falcons’ll come to daddy, fabulous cash and prizes
I’m back of the theater feature feeding rapid eyes and crisis
Out of sight is both his fancy and a random act of kindness for ya
Ride the water roarer, future bright is fried Gomorrah
Present tense an SOS and tidal water, final offer, sold
I’ve been shaking off a death rattle
As a window-bound bat from a collapsed red flannel at night
Flight path managing a back and forth
That drills a heart and dagger if you track it all with tack and yarn
Six foot, a million, nothing off the rack fit him
I dress like fingers of light through black nimbus
Ruined last Christmas, probably ruin this Christmas
You can follow it from wing to cataclysm, listen
He carry his own water, is nary a known other
Burn sage in the alley with various ghostbusters
See a disembodied bones knocking on your rods and cones
Some resort to swivel gears, some return to hobbit holes
Me, I done a lot of both, riding out and running scared
I’m everything from “He’s a pest” to “He’s been dead for 20 years”
He’s been treading perfect curbs and golden light with total scum
Pigeons bring him donuts, I’m the motherfucking chosen one
And every time you liars talk, fish and bird start dying off
Roses turn to solid ice, quiet eyes to fireballs, um
I started spilling all my problems to the final boss
He shed a tear and let me buy him like what’s mine is yours
Broke him off a little weed
Bid him well, off to see a system into smithereens
Sniffing out some livers he can lose in a broth
It’s when he go and pull the hood from the hawk
You look lost
He carry his own water, is nary a known other
Go halves on the carrion carry-on bolt cutters
Not a towel boy or cow to the slaughter
I leave an awkward conversation like a cow to the saucer
Inspire a thousand Our Fathers, people start calling their priests
We’ve never seen a man so vehemently drawn to the beast
I heard he plays a pipe organ and changes form when he feeds
I’ve never played a pipe organ, the rest my lawyer concedes, okay
Pull up at the spirit world, zero man pit crew
Itching for experience, clear of the jellyfish bloom
Show him to the sick roam
Sic him on the showroom
Show us how you trick him into swimming through the au jus
Devil’s trapped on the welcome mat
The dinner jacket smell of hell and back
I’m working on my hell and forth
It’s bound to be a bumpy ride
Deeper through the death and gore
Coming out the other side

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