Aesop Rock

Songtext Boot soup Aesop Rock


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Boot soup

You can't eject the new soy bomb
Boiled tongue that hop out the foil swan
Clock in, pull a coin from the koi pond
You're a pull-toy, bon voyage
Yeah, boy, I'm a lame from the paint chips
No slave to the grain of the trade winds
Phase in, deflate the whole snake pit
Gotta hunt, got a hunch y'all ain't shit
Layup off of that lightning rod
Over shaking those icy palms
Brief announcement, I'm peeking out
If I feel surrounded, I might King Kong
Even now, defy moderation
My streak allegiant
My body failing
I'm east of Eden, not holiday
And these feet a realized sovereign nation
Each free to Watusi and do so duly
At night wh?n the zoo get toothy
A once and futur? goon, own the exit row
Burn the leeches off, throw the second stone
Note the pest control, claw the peepers out
Hold the telephone, shit
Here go thirteen loops in a rope
For the truth, what it do, what it don't

At the coliseum grown numb
Hello as in what have you become?
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one
Figured y'all would never pony up
Slither off into the going gone
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one

Born of an elusive baboon troop
Horseflies that backstroke the boot soup
Show up like an eyeball in a moon roof
One false move, dude, you're a food group
Old friends turn flames to the hayride
I was kind of unimpressed with the AI
Get gutsy or crushed in the canines
Bring a steak knife, bring a trail guide
Breaking out of that boarded house
Faking normal has worn me down
Hit the road, an old misanthrope
Alone, tip me over and pour me out
Cozy up to that pressure cooker
My heart's a bottle, my head's a butcher
My blood a mix of both milk and sugar
I push the pencil, no pencil-pusher
Kid been had toxic folk in a sphere
Kept it afloat, I was frozen in fear
In the closure, the ghost just won't disappear
It make the whole globe a road to nowhere
Joke's on you, I'm going nowhere
Still, 5-0 is, "Woah there," oh dear
Stoney bologna, drum the undo
Two score plus, never been a stuffed suit

At the coliseum grown numb
Hello as in what have you become?
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one
Figured y'all would never pony up
Slither off into the going gone
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one
Know the fee, the fi, the fo, the fum
Notice a bouquet of bone and blood
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one
Over the crowd it was, "Yo, what's up?"
Under his breath it was, "Holy fuck"
I cannot have been the only one
I cannot have been the only one

Meanwhile back at the brackish
Half-man, patch-in, splash with the hapless
Tag every hack in the badlands
Spoon-gagged, amass the too trashy
Ragtag, rad to the last Boo Radley
Bad back and limbs that don't act right
Still flap with the bats in the black light
Architect of hard luck, turn love to a crash site
After lunch, before naptime
Z-Z-Z-Z, jaws on floors
A two-bit tour de force, I'm all yours
Rabid and raised to rig the game booth
I lick the plate clean, I lick the blade too, look
Ten beepers, even the freak elite
Fall back when the creature leap
His U.F.O. throw shade sea to sea
Jeez Louise, an omen to read and weep
The road been brain for the hunt, nose for the bone broth
Cold shoulder programmed to stonewall
Old dog, I'm known to cold know all
Don't wait 'til the whole shit snowball
One peek at the code in the moleskin
Might just render you part of the potion, woah
Never you mind the moth eggs
I'm warm and the TV is on always

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