Dark Lotus

Songtext Keep up Dark Lotus


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Keep up

Keep up [x8]

[Shaggy 2 Dope:]
Drippin blood, droolin necks
Hangin' upside down tied ankles and wrists
No evidence no forensics left
Chase me all ya want there's only one judge after my death
Sure as fuck ain't you or your gavels
I'm packin my bags for my Canadian travels
I pull that rope and fire open slit curtains
I'll be welcomed through that mother fucker for certain

[Monoxide Child:]
My eyes are closed hypnotized by professionals
Searchin' for mental confessionals
Twist and curled inside lookin' for answers
To why I've become such a cancer
I keep the answer in a place so hard to find
That the only way you can enter is manipulating my mind
Many have tried they get chased there and died
And it happens every time our words collide

[Chorus:]Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Keep up [x8]
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me

[Jamie Madrox:]
I'm runnin' through the fire like I'm made of asbestos
They think I'm turnin' evil 'cause I'm past repentance
I'm livin' like a convict without no sins
I'm hot like the Human Torch without no question
Catch up if you can, if you can't stand the heat
'Cause it's comin' out the kitchen givin' burns 3rd degree
Get you ace bandages and alo vera for the barbeque
The closer to the Lotus and fire becomes a part of you

[Violent J:]
Keep up, walk with me through flames
Top that and take a stroll in black rain
I stepped into the mirror and I offed my reflection
'Cause I'm a one of a kind, no exceptions
Follow me and see the world we roam
Through an Opaque prism or not and stay a clone
We bloom, 5 pedals of the Lotus plant
Keep up, unless you can't

Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Keep up [x8]
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me

[Blaze Ya Dead Homie:]
I move with such force
Unabided by a cross
Cross dimensional gateways just for sport
Jump into a mind bend once I am inside
Destroy clearer life and balances intertwined
The pain forever lingers on like a stain
Or the stench of my last friend lost to the row again
Goin' to the next victim without a sign
You can search your whole life for someone you'll never find

[All members:]
Follow us keep up
As we wind and turn and spiral on
Under and above water
Unphased by all elements
Ice, fire, earth, and air
Our final location, the underground
Deep, deep underground
We plant our seeds for tomorrow's resurrection
Of the never ending DARK LOTUS

[Chorus x2]

Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Keep up [x8]
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me
Running through the fire
Daring you to follow me

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Dark Lotus is an American hip hop supergroup based in Detroit, Michigan. Formed in 1998, the group consists of Psychopathic Records-associated rappers Joseph Bruce and Joseph Utsler of Insane Clown Posse, Jamie Spaniolo and Paul Methric of Twiztid, and Chris Rouleau.

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