Dark Lotus

Songtext Backwords Dark Lotus


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Backwards from point of destruction
The end is my introduction
Watch it unfold as I transcend
Transcends as I watch it unfold.

Smash head first into on coming traffic
Missed the red light cause' I was driving erratic.
Backwards 100miles an hour down the e-way
Lights blurrin' by me makin' it hard for me to see straight
Eyes all glossy and my brain on tilt,
Got out the car man, fuck a seatbelt
Stumblin, lookin' for my keys to my car.
Mighty mighty drunk now, back at the bar.

Blood all over, now it's seeping back
And the bullet is returning to the gun under my chin
Sirens disappear from the front of my house
Weird 911 asking what the emergency about
I' m goin' crazy insane, tryin to maintain, everything I love is causing me all the pain.
My family's all gone, check the message on the phone.
Turn the lights on, cause' I just got home .
[Chorus: x2]
Backwards from point of destruction
The end is my introduction
Watch it unfold as I transcend
Transcends as I watch it unfold.

I kissed her lips, shut her eyes, and stepped away
I grabbed the knife out her throat and hear her say
"She doesn't love me" but she doesn't see the blade that I sunk into her house with through the window in the rain.
Keeps pouring as I stand on her steps, before I walk up I pause and take a deep breath
Pull up in the drive and shut the lights off
I keep thinkin' man "I can't get caught"

I'm in a frantic-panic
I committed a sin
Shirt soaked in bloody shit down to my skin
Now the deed is done, the hole is sealed tight
This bitches' bones will never again see the light
I remember pickin' up the pole for the bludgeoning
And the mile of following that you might call stalking
It ain't my fault she next to me at the bar
That's the hoe that's been polluting my dreams

[Chorus: x2]
Backwards from point of destruction
The end is my introduction
Watch it unfold as I transcend
Transcends as I watch it unfold.

The bullet flew out his neck and up my gun barrel
My finger raised off the trigger, and stayed curled
I lifted up off my back, and now I'm standing
His fist pulled outta' my eye- he's demanding
My jacket and wallet, but I walk in reverse
Backup outta' the alley I shoulda' passed in the first place.
Now time and chance are on my side
The inevitable has been denied.

Backwards from point of destruction
The end is my introduction
Watch it unfold as I transcend
Transcends as I watch it unfold.

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Dark Lotus is an American hip hop supergroup based in Detroit, Michigan. Formed in 1998, the group consists of Psychopathic Records-associated rappers Joseph Bruce and Joseph Utsler of Insane Clown Posse, Jamie Spaniolo and Paul Methric of Twiztid, and Chris Rouleau.

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