Dark Lotus

Songtext Hot poison Dark Lotus


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Hot poison

This is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus
This is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus

[Monoxide Child:]
I need no introduction I'm from parts unknown
With the power to end it all like Ol' Jim Jones
I walk the dark side with both eyes closed
And down below I'm known as the unexplainable

[Shaggy 2 Dope:]
Comin out my mouth when I drool, sweatin out my pores
Show you different realms as I open up different doors
Hold onto your ores, cause your boat's sinkin
Faces meltin off cheeks when I'm speakin

[Blaze Ya Dead Homie:]
I'm still known for blood sippin
Don't matter, type A or a B, I ain't trippin
I got a thirst like a curse in control
Till I'm carvin up body parts and the heart from where it go
[Jamie Madrox:]
One drop will consume you
Two forever doom you
Standiin over the body as we drink to the voodoo
Livin with the demons and ghouls make me a custom
They eat whatever goes in the body after I cut them

They underneath the mortuary bumping this shit
Hot Poison
They built the Pyramids while bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
Way up on the mountain top they bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
When it comes to wicked bitch you know we the shit
Cause this is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus
We got your poison

[Violent J:]
We possess any room leave it freezing cold
First you'll get a bloody nose then your head will implode
We will stretch you, break your spine in five places
With tattooed bracelets and masked unpainted faces

[Blaze Ya Dead Homie:]
Utterly demented Dark Lotus has them submitted
On the minds of the serpents of the servant who ain't repented
You summon the seventh sign, the plagues of undead
With the pentagram as a reminder branded on your head

[Jamie Madrox:]
Open like an entrance
No truth will ever suffice for any skeptic except for death sentence
Fact in blood, splattered in ink blots
Spell out a four lettered word as the blood clots

[Shaggy 2 Dope:]
Me plus four more venomous pedals
We re-ablaze hell the same day it froze
We didn't pick our spots in this shit, we are chosen
Now come on down bitch and feel this Hot Poison

They underneath the morturary bumping this shit
Hot Poison
They built the Pyramids while bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
Way up on the mountain top they bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
When it comes to wicked bitch you know we the shit
Cause this is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus
We got your poison

[Monoxide Child:]
Plagues evolve from each septahydro
A psycho who likes to leave most without a dome
Mostly in your home when you're thinkin you're all alone
Apparate like a ghost and disappear with your soul

[Violent J:]
I caught Lucifer and threw a hook through his mouth
Cut it's belly open and cockroaches fell out
But I stomped em all with Jamie (Madrox) Joey (Shaggy) Paul (Monoxide) and Chris (Blaze)
Ain't no wicked shit like this

They underneath the mortuary bumping this shit
Hot Poison
They built the Pyramids while bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
Way up on the mountain top they bumpin this shit
Hot Poison
When it comes to wicked bitch you know we the shit
Cause this is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus
We got your poison
Cause this is Lotus
Dark fuckin Lotus
We got your poison

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Dark Lotus is an American hip hop supergroup based in Detroit, Michigan. Formed in 1998, the group consists of Psychopathic Records-associated rappers Joseph Bruce and Joseph Utsler of Insane Clown Posse, Jamie Spaniolo and Paul Methric of Twiztid, and Chris Rouleau.

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