Smoke Dza

Songtext I don't know Smoke Dza


I don't know

Man these streets keep on calling me
Will I ever make it out of here alive
Man these streets keeping all of me
Will I ever make it out of here

Dreams of making it out this motherfucker breathing
Got to thank the Lord that I got a voice
Biggest fear is being forty on the corner
Stuck in this motherfucker without a choice
I bust my ass for my kids they think the world of me
Everything I do I got to do it with urgency
TNT still hop out of the burgundy
Caught my man for a homi- got twenty five to eternity
Coke price to high it's like burglary
Niggas can't get the connect so they fuck with checks
Make it, cash it, find a few broads
Gave him 2K got a 4K gift card
The pot flow I just can't let go of
Hard to stay out the dirt when you hand to hand with growers
Even if I'm not physically attached in
The mentality keep me trapped in

Man these streets keep on calling me
Will I ever make it out of here alive
Man these streets keeping all of me
Will I ever make it out of here

God forgive me wash away my sins
Ask everyday but I'ma do it again
Got my hands on some work ain't been the same ever since
Harlem till the death of me it's all in my limp
I'm not a fool my nigga might be too cool
But I'm a cool ass nigga
Rolled many L's but I'm a true winner
Nothing you could do with em
Got em' tight faced Bruce Jenner
You can't box me out the paint
If that's what you think that's what it ain't
Bout to break the bank, blowing on dank
Purple in my cup, foamposites pink
My venomous thoughts gone get me up in that Porsche
Before you blink, I be getting chicken like I'm
Signed to the Brinks
I always got the link
I keep a backup on the wing
I blew cheese no celery
Men got to do men things for men's salary

Man these streets keep on calling me
Will I ever make it out of here alive
Man these streets keeping all of me
Will I ever make it out of here

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