Smoke Dza

Songtext Ghost of dipset Smoke Dza


Ghost of dipset

One of the illest niggas doing it, you should thank me
Art in your ears, I paint the image like I'm Banksy
A1, keep it all the way tall, lanky, rolling up another one
Bumping kid frankie
Nigga getting chicken extra dinner rolls
Fuck the politics, see many come, many go
Few real niggas, few niggas told
Broke hearts like when Ewing missed the finger roll
And only if you winin, then you really know
Bad bitch centerfold, yellow cab send her home
Nigga pure dope no stamp on me
Count on me to keep it g, you could bank on me
Ah, I've been on my shit
They call it showing love
Nah, call it sucking dicks
Speaking of that, face fucking my Cambodian bitch
Soundtrack provided 'til you 'bout Thelonious
We own this shit
We own this shit like
Like any look I do I own it
Can't copy or clone it

[Verse 2: Smoke DZA]
I show stop, hop out in my bath robe
In high 'lo socks
Sweat shorts to my calvs
Joints kinda look like knickers
But I'm not that type of nigga
This a different type of get up
It's rare, banding up
Still got OG in my nails
I ball a half of pound nigga, I don't need a scale
Chill, as long as they keep printing bills
I'mma never stay still
Fuck a deal nigga, I could make a mill quicker
What Imma do with that advance, buy a meal with it?
I play the block with the youngins
Like a recruiter on any Marthin Luther
Acquainted with shooters, the randomous killings
Is pure entertainment, to a nigga that's brainless hands
On the stainless, tryna get famous
There's a war going on outside
No man is safe from
Be aware, get hit if you play dumb

[Verse 3: Cam'ron]
Walking down Lenox, a couple homies just real with me
Seeing, Tanya 21, talking 'bout that she feeling me
She said, yo can she chill with me? Na, girl that's a sick dream
Yo what's the deal with me she's been on me since 15
You sniffin' white up you pussy youngin' tight up
And you be talkin' to much on Twitter just doing write ups
Besides I'm wifed up her ring finger is iced up
And understand a one night stand'll
Fuck your life up
Well for me it will
Brain gone, like damn he clever
Plus I'm foul
I'll fuck around and fuck a family member
Or mother, sister, cousin still want to play?
She looked at me and smiled this is what she had to say

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