Smoke Dza

Songtext City of dreams Smoke Dza


City of dreams

911 shit
Kush God bitch
Smoke Dza nah mean

This that crazy [?]parties at the Kennedy's center flow
That NY winter cold
That kill [?] dinner rolls
Snack box from momma's, anybody can get it flow
And it don't matter what coast you from
How many niggas you've killed, how much dope you've slung
Niggas thinking they can hang, how much rope you brung?
Bitch, fuck your feelings like New York been soft since another cali nigga came and crushed the buildings
Niggas squares like Sicilians
Big William
Hop in the whip like fuck the ceiling', high
Day n' Nite on my Cudi shit
Go head and buddy up with who you buddies with
You niggas want none of this

New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams

I'm Abdullah with the butcher work, fucking flawless
Get my cookies from the growers way before the harvest
No matter where I'm at it's 9/11 shit regardless
My niggas razorblade tatting like thy Tuki Carter
And people trying to do [?] like he Tookie Williams
Shout out my family in the [?] shaking up the building
This for my homies trying to step they grams up
This ain't for niggas wearing leather pants, bruh
They arguing about who's real
A bunch of niggas dressing like true hill, dude chill
Niggas wear spray on [?]
Time to bring that real shit back...that you feel

New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams

I'm a swag rappers worst nightmare
Still at your momma's house and you going to stay your ass right there
[?] trying to get a buzz gone take you lightyears
Bud you know I got the plug, could take a flight there
Everybody want to dictate, dictate some same shit
Fuck your opinion and your lame list
It's a world outside the city and I'm doing my numbers
Made chicken all 93 nights of the summer
Sold out shows in Sidney
20 cities with Wiz
About 20k people a night
Making noise for the camp
Motherfuckers here to ride
In the roof blowing lead
And everywhere I go them niggas know where I live

New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams
New York, New York
Big city of dreams

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