Philthy Rich

Songtext East oakland legend Philthy Rich


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East oakland legend

The Mekanix
Funk or Die
Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga
Uh-huh, look

Suckers speaking out, they be seeking clout (Suckers)
A lot of nerd shit I been peepin’ out (I have)
I gotta keep it real even though they fakin' (Solid)
Crabs in the bucket, don't want you to make it (Uh-uh)
I lost more money than you ever had (Swear to God)
He was spoonfed, I never had a dad (Never)
They’d rather see me on my back than on my feet (I know they mad)
I make sure every nigga 'round me can eat (It's Philthy)
Thirty thou' on the ring from Avianne (Chump change)
I really come from nothing, please don't remind me (Oh, I remember)
Stuffin' the Backwood with three-point-five (Killzone)
Google my net worth, three-point-five (It's Philthy, ho)
Next year the Lam' truck when the sticker drop (Foreign)
Sippin’ Hi-Tech out this exotic pop (Syrup)
Still can count a million with my eyes closed
Still good in the kitchen, cook up nine those (It’s Philthy)
East Oakland legend, pray to the reverend (East Oakland)
That her son don't see Hell and make it to Heaven (Amen)A lot of fifty pointers in this diamond chain (Bustdown)
You owe the jeweler fifty thousand, we are not the same (Broke nigga)
Mike Amiri jeans with the Gucci sweater (Designer)
Christian Louboutins, two thou’ or better (Red bottoms)
Used to tear it down in Neimans, Barney, Saks Fifth (We used to)
Now we at Ball Harbor, The Gallery, and Phipps (It's Philthy)
Just copped a new Glock for a new opp (Ayy, I keep it on me)
Knock a nigga out his Gucci tube socks (Know I will)
Just left the Bahamas with a bitch from Houston (I just left)
Everything paid for, that mean it's all inclusive (Bitch)
I'm the nigga that your big homie look up to (Is that right?)
The nigga that the niggas in the trap cook up to (Skrrt skrrt)
I come up under Mone Man and Jodi Bro (Rest in peace)
Ain’t a hood in Oakland that I can't go (It's Philthy)
Niggas in my hood die from niggas in my hood (Swear to God)
The nigga that shot me, he was from my hood (Seminary)
It don't concern Seminary, it don't concern me (Uh-uh)
Loyal to the wrong niggas until they burnt me (Pussy)
I got the same jeweler that Floyd got (Go with some')
That nigga just an undercover toy cop (Five-oh)
I live up the street from E-40 (Sick Wid It)
I'm still in the streets so I keep a .40 (It's Philthy)
I tried to put the Wraith up for Smitty's bail (Ayy, I tried to)
You'd rather see a nigga sittin' in a shitty cell (Free Smitty)
Rest in peace Seagram, and free the Gov (Free the Gov)
Until I put that nigga on, he ain't have a buzz (Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga)
Lettin' baby Jason get behind the wheel (Baby J)
I'll teach him how to drive before another nigga will (Free JBay)
Rest in peace Busco, cop a bustdown (Ayy, eat it up)
When you was rockin' plain jane, I had a bustdown
It's Philthy

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