Philthy Rich

Songtext Big 59 Philthy Rich


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Big 59

Funk or Die
Ayy, it's Philthy, nigga
The Mekanix

Keep me out your politics or catch these hollow tips (Ayy, do that)
I just left the Virgin Islands with this model bitch (Bitch)
I ain't never needed niggas, niggas needed me (Never)
I was feedin' all them niggas, they wasn't feedin' me (It's Philthy)
Big 59 cost a nigga a hundred thou' (Chump change)
Broke nigga ain't seen a hundred thou' in a while (Broke nigga)
I tried to stop wearin' jewelry for like six months (I tried to)
I ain't sip no codeine for like six months (It's Philthy)
I was mindin' my own business, runnin' up this paper (Run it up)
Found out he was a hater, better now than later (Hater)
Your big homie from your hood ain't feeling you (Uh-uh)
And your opposition talkin' 'bout killing you (It's Philthy)
Send niggas to Hell about my gang (Funk or Die)
Better put some respect on my name (You better)
Can count on one hand how many niggas in my corner (Side)
Count the body if he braindead in a coma (It's Philthy)
I can't do no shows up in my city? (Uh-uh)But I'm the biggest nigga up in my city (I am)
Nigga, I put the O up in Oakland (East Oakland)
Niggas better not show up in Oakland (It's Philthy)
Never send a boy to do a man's job (Never)
I'll get your boss whacked and get your mans robbed (Ayy, do that)
Overdose on syrup, that's a suicide (Syrup)
Ain't ridin' for yourself but expect you to ride (It's Philthy)
The bitch got my face tatted but never seen my face (Is that right?)
She a faggot like the last bitch I just replaced (Faggot)
I been had a blue check before IG (I swear to God)
I been using my passport for my ID (It's Philthy)
My dad ain't never bought me a pair of Huggies (Uh-uh)
I don't remember the last time a nigga hugged me (I can't remember)
A cup full of mud because I came from it (Syrup)
These demons talkin' to me, I'm tryna run from it (Is that right?)
Baby just happy being my side bitch (Bitch)
It's eighty thousand or better, bitch, on my wrist (Bustdown)
Mack lip gloss on my Gucci collar (Designer)
I ain't tryna sign a deal unless Gucci holler (It's Philthy)
Niggas still throwin' subs on the 'net (Pussy)
Bitch, I'm still showin' love to the set (Seminary)
Just opened up a barbershop in the neighborhood (Is that right?)
That paperwork say he best, I'm tryna say he good (It's Philthy)
Still One Mob 'cause I started that (One Mob)
They'll send a hundred rounds at your Starter cap (A hundred of 'em)
Pull up on your block with that yeeky on me (I keep it on me)
I blow a nigga top just for speaking on me (It's Philthy)
Them niggas from your section don't fuck with you (Uh-uh)
But you was paying for protection so they stuck with you (Is that right?)
Rats in your circle, better dissect 'em (You better)
Three man weave like a trifecta (It's Philthy)
Rather starve with the real than eat with the fake (I eat it up)
Sem God, baby, you see the name on the plate (Sem God)
Never been a legend, dope fiends on your roster (Never)
Went against the nigga that introduced you to lobster (Philthy)
Put that chain on your neck before you had a check (Oh, I remember)
And then you went and put that chain on a sucker neck (Suckers)
Fucking all these bitches, runnin' up these M's (Ayy, run it up)
I'm from 59, salute to 59 Brims (It's Philthy)
I ain't heard from niggas, guess they cut me off (I guess so)
Picked the other side 'cause they fallin' off (Suckers)
Wrappin' all these P's, 'bout to mail 'em off (Killzone)
It's Philthy nigga, uh-huh

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