Philthy Rich

Songtext Don't forget Philthy Rich


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Don't forget

Funk or die
Hey, it's Philthy nigga
The Mekanix
Huh, look

Niggas must forgot that I’m in my bag (Must of)
Some niggas stay solid, some went bad (Solid)
Smokin' killzone Gelato five-nine (Killzone)
That nigga try to rob me, then he gonna die tryin' (It’s Philthy)
Niggas fuckin' with the ops then get mad at me (That right?)
But any nigga play with me gonna be a casualty (You know it is)
I'm the wrong nigga for you to go against (It's Philthy nigga)
And all that sneak dissin' ain't no offensin' (It's Philthy)
Just remember I’m the nigga who put you in position (Oh, you forgot?)
They told me you would cross me, but I didn’t listen (They told me you would)
Only a broke nigga give you all this time (Broke bitch)
Free my little brother, gave him all this time (It's Philthy)
Pour out a whole brick on the stage for Jack (Hey, rest in peace)
They’ll smile at your face and stab you in your back (You know they will)
Only successful person in my whole family (Swear to God)
I was crossed a million times by my own family (It's Philthy)
I'll beat a nigga ass like I'm Devin Haney (Hey D-H, what’s happenin')
And still'll hit the block and serve a nigga 'any (Seminary)I'm on my East Oakland shit, we move a little different (East Oakland)
Fell back on some niggas, gave 'em a little distance (It's Philthy)
What you forgot I roll Funk Or Die [?] for life (Oh you forgot)
And killzone, I was funkin' up in real life (Funk Or Die)
Loyalty is everything, ain't tryin' to ruin that (Uh-uh)
But ain't no loyalty in this shit, nigga, I'm through with that (It's Philthy)
Why Philthy still on Semi' worth a few Ms (Chump change)
Why them niggas on the net, tryin' to su-blim' (Why?)
I can't reply to every sucka that mention my name (Nuh-uh)
Niggas really clout chasin' and searchin' for fame (It's Philthy)
Hatin' on a rich nigga, you gonna die broke (Hater)
All blue faces baby on the dead locs (On the dead homies)
Niggas hangin' with the niggas who say that they shot me (Is that right?)
And told them get 'em out the way and they said they got me (It's Philthy)
My ex-bitch in my DM, she say that she really miss me (Fact)
But she be likin' all the pictures of niggas who diss me (Pussy)
Double-cuppin' everyday I try to kick it though (I try to)
I still remember where you stay, don't make me kick a do' (It's Philthy)
Niggas catchin' all these bodies, but ain't make the news (Nuh-uh)
I ain't heard nothin' about it so I'm so confused (I am)
You think they stopped makin' guns when they made yours? (I keep it on me)
I put food on your plate when I made yours (It's Philthy)
Want me to boycott Gucci for a ski mask
You couldn't afford it anyway with your cheap ass (Uh-uh)
I parked a million dollars of cars on one block (Foreign)
And cooked a million dollars of dope in one pot (It's Philthy)
Niggas think I fell off, 'cause I fell back (Never)
Visa got a track hawk and a hell cat ([?])
The moral of the story, nigga, my whole team eatin' (They eat it up)
Cut the ankle monitor off, because it keep beepin' (It's Philthy)
Just spent Valentine's Day with my bottom bitch
Been down and down, that say a whole lot about a bitch
The first Asian bitch I knocked when I jumped in it (Is that right?)
I was born in this sitch you got jumped in it (It's Philthy)
Next nigga diss me, I'ma turn his enemy up (Swear to God)
And when you see me, make sure you keep that same energy up (Do that)
Just spent thirty thousand on this Bentley truck chain (Bust that up)
And bitch I came a long way from that baby stank (It's Philthy)
Just got some bad news that my kidney's failin' (Syrup)
And one of these niggas close to me might be tellin' (Is that right?)
One thing I'll never been a snake or a rat (Never)
Overnight five thou', she want to take a stack (It's Philthy)
Can't rap beef with a nigga who bought a verse from me (Nuh-uh)
Just know them Seminary niggas gonna murk for me (Seminary)
Niggas been doin' this ten years straight (Ten years straight)
You little broke ass niggas ten years late (Ten years late)
It's Philthy

Hey man, I swear to God, man
It ain't a nigga in East Oakland, man, that did it like me, nigga
You feel me?
Parkin' these foreigns, fuckin' these bitches, countin' this money nigga, keep doin' it solid
Not a stain on my resume, huh?
Puttin' niggas on, puttin' niggas in position to eat
Keepin' it one thousand
Representin' this East Oakland like me though nigga
Huh, free all my niggas though
It's Philthy nigga

Yeah mane, [?]
You feel me?
On everything man, I'm comin' home, mane, you know
For real that [?] comin' through, [?] don't doubt me, 'cause I will be back, you feel me?
And I ain't doin' no playin' at all, you know?
F-O-D, you know what I'm sayin', you know what it is
The Mekanix

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