
Songtext Come back to me Thouxanbanfauni


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Come back to me

Aight man, turn me up some more. Look, you guys are... um... tuned for something special today. How you guys doin' today? I can't really hear you guys, can you turn me up a little louder, Staccs? Can't really hear what they sayin'

I bought the Jag' today
I just might drag
I just might spazz today
I might hop in and crash today
I don't ever look back (No)
I don't see where they at to me
Baby, can you come back to me?
Baby, can you come back today?

I got a hold of your ice
Now I got your whole life
I'ma pull up wit' the .40 tucked, I might end a bit' night
I'ma pull up wit' the .40 tucked and it sit right on my side
You don't pull up wit' the .40 tucked, you don't pull up wit' no light
Yeah, yeah, hit him and move, I groove, juggin to do what I had to do (Ya dig)
I jugg and I move, stick and I move for gettin' to it (Stick and move)
Move, look to the pavement, move smooth, nigga can't even do it (Ya dig)
Know what to do in the jam, chopper hit 'em, that niggas through wit'
Uh, yeah, gotta go, yeah, I gotta go get through it
Huh, yeah, the chopper hit him, now his body look like it was leakin' fluid (Ya dig)
Stupid, you're lil' stupid (Huh, wait)Baby she fall in love like my name lil' Cupid
Chopper hit him, now his body oozin'

I bought the Jag' today
I just might drag
I just might spazz today
I might hop in and crash today
I don't ever look back (No)
I don't see where they at to me
Baby, can you come back to me?
Baby, can you come back today?

I bought the Jag' today
I just might drag
I just might spazz today
I might hop in and crash today
I don't ever look back (No)
I don't see where they at to me
Baby, can you come back to me?
Baby, can you come back today?

I don't like retracing shit, but I'll go back today
Might try me one time today
Might go and betray
Don't want no [?] space
Don't wanna know a nigga place
And no-one ain't takin' your place
Bitches they gettin' misplaced
Keep that shit out of my way
Keep that lame shit out of my face
Keepin' that shit on my sleeve
Shootin' that boy wit' the spade
She wanna catch a fade
Can't get a shortage, came to the realization of more
Out gettin' this guap, probably could go and pay a few mortgage
She wanna get adopted, shawty, you gettin' aborted
All of the niggas who comin' for me, I'll see you get extorted
Run up in your shit, yeah, now you got a shortage
Takin' your portions

I bought the Jag' today
I just might drag
I just might spazz today
I might hop in and crash today
I don't ever look back (No)
I don't see where they at to me
Baby, can you come back to me?
Baby, can you come back today?

I bought the Jag' today
I just might drag
I just might spazz today
I might hop in and crash today
I don't ever look back (No)
I don't see where they at to me
Baby, can you come back to me?
Baby, can you come back today?

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