
Songtext Choppa down Thouxanbanfauni


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Choppa down

Steppin' out on ’em, I'ma drown 'em in the drip drop
Hit the dash, broke the brake, ain’t no pit stop
Cold shawty, you a cold shawty, you a polar dot
Motor mouth, with the odor mouth, got to get amounts
Give or take, we ain't cut down from the same cloth
I'd have you around more if you ain't throw me out
Sacrifices, all these sacrifices, bitch I know the cost
Sacrifices, talking sacrifices, bitch I blow the cost
You a lick, boy your ass grass, I'ma mow the lawn
Chop him down, axe man kill it, we gon' chop him down
Chop 'em down, chop 'em down
We gon’ chop ’em down
Chop 'em down, chop ’em down
We gon' chop 'em down

(Uno I killed it)
Yeah, I heard he was a killer, right? (Huh)
Yeah, I heard, but that bitch she hurt your feelings, right? (No way)
You a bird, yeah, you gangsta when the fit is tight? (Huh)
You a nerd, so you know that it's on sight, I got a beam, that’s only right (Ooh)
Yeah, he popping out, ooh, same nigga get dropped right now (Ooh)
Yeah, I'ma scout 'em, see him I ain't gon' point him out
Yeah, I'ma recruit 'em, nigga, get down or lay it down (Oh yeah)First step, get a pound, then you break it down (Oh yeah)
Wide awake, I see the reason we are not the same
You a puppy dog, lil bitch, I'm a Great Dane (Rrr)
Now you stuck on a bitch (Yeah)
Tell me nigga, why the fuck you stuck on a bitch, that is not game (Bitch)
And if you running off on your partner, that is not a stain (Bitch)
Pussy nigga, your momma oughta' be ashamed (Pussy)
And if I ever have to double back, I'm leavin' wit' your brain (Ooh)
And I fuck all the ratchet bitches, tryna make some change (Dig)

Steppin' out on 'em, I'ma drown 'em in the drip drop
Hit the dash, broke the brake, ain't no pit stop
Cold shawty, you a cold shawty, you a polar dot
Motor mouth, with the odor mouth, got to get amounts
Give or take, we ain't cut down from the same cloth
I'd have you around more if you ain't throw me out
Sacrifices, all these sacrifices, bitch I know the cost
Sacrifices, talking sacrifices, bitch I blow the cost
You a lick, boy your ass grass, I'ma mow the lawn
Chop him down, axe man kill it, we gon' chop him down
Chop 'em down, chop 'em down
We gon' chop 'em down
Chop 'em down, chop 'em down
We gon' chop 'em down

(All happening simultaneously)
Y'all niggas got me fuck up forreal though
Forreal though
Fucked up, fucked up
Bitch ass, pussy ass, bitch ass

With her ass out, blow her back out, you can have her now
Peek a dime, traffic coming, better grab her now
Buddy boy, is that your buddy boy, go and pipe him down
Me and mine, 9 to 4.5, we just took our vow
You be everywhere except for where the wolves out
Me and my niggas out kickin' shit, they trying to lock us down
Trying to function at the courtroom, that shit be going south
VVS bustdown, I'ma rock it out

Steppin' out on 'em, I'ma drown 'em in the drip drop
Hit the dash, broke the brake, ain't no pit stop
Cold shawty, you a cold shawty, you a polar dot
Motor mouth, with the odor mouth, got to get amounts
Give or take, we ain't cut down from the same cloth
I'd have you around more if you ain't throw me out
Sacrifices, all these sacrifices, bitch I know the cost
Sacrifices, talking sacrifices, bitch I blow the cost
You a lick, boy your ass grass, I'ma mow the lawn
Chop him down, axe man kill it, we gon' chop him down
Chop 'em down, chop 'em down
We gon' chop 'em down
Chop 'em down, chop 'em down
We gon' chop 'em down

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