
Songtext Burn out Thouxanbanfauni


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Burn out

Gren8 Beats
Akachi on the beat, lil bitch

Burnin' out that Hellcat, I’m speedin' in that demon
Turn that AC on to cool off my heatin'
Heard your AP gone, now my wrist got a new mirror
Now you wanna make peace and you was so sincere
You’re super sweet talkin' this beef and it's crystal clear
Let's make this shit clear, you niggas super weird
Trying to talk down on my gear, then trying to rock the same gear
Your shit don't even compare, talkin' shit in people ear

Why that boy done paid that boy the whole nine yards?
Nigga be super fraud
Fairy boy, go give him a wand
Keep this shit even at all times, against all odds
How you fake fuck wit' the gang, I see you put on a facade
Y'all one hell of a front, you put on one hell of a front
Life is but a dream, I’m probably just geeked up out of my mind
Life is but a dream, I’m probably zooted up out of my mind
Life is but a dream, I'm probably booted up out of my mind
Burnin’ out that Hellcat, I'm speedin' in that demon
Turn that AC on to cool off my heatin'
Heard your AP gone, now my wrist got a new mirror
Now you wanna make peace and you was so sincere
You’re super sweet talkin' this beef and it's crystal clear
Let's make this shit clear, you niggas super weird
Trying to talk down on my gear, then trying to rock the same gear
Your shit don't even compare, talkin' shit in people ear

I'm trying to dissapear, hop right in a portal
Only thing after death is to be immortal
Huh, I'm not picture-perfect, but I paint the picture perfect
God damn boys, y'all showed up hurtin', but I said I'm not a earthling
I'm gon' hop right in that 'Rari, do the dash
120 in 5.6 seconds
I am UnoTheActivist, don't care for second
Put that boy on the plate, but I ain't gon' ask for seconds
She gon' eat that dick and then gon' ask for seconds
Can you pass the pass, pass that ass and smash
Yeah, I'm gon' hit it from the back, she gon' grab
I'm gonna shoot the nigga then I'll laugh
I'm gonna take them birds, make them take a bath
Yeah, Uno get the last laugh
Laughin' to the bank, I'm smellin' like some dirty cash

Burnin' out that Hellcat, I'm speedin' in that demon
Turn that AC on to cool off my heatin'
Heard your AP gone, now my wrist got a new mirror
Now you wanna make peace and you was so sincere
You're super sweet talkin' this beef and it's crystal clear
Let's make this shit clear, you niggas super weird
Trying to talk down on my gear, then trying to rock the same gear
Your shit don't even compare, talkin' shit in people ear

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