
Songtext Castles Skepta


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(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

My teacher told me I'm a side man, I told her to remember me
Now they wanna email me, asking if I can talk to the kids in assembly
Now man are selling out Wembley
Now man are twenty first century
Statistics say I should be dead or in jail
But shit ain't the way that it's meant to be
Breaking the cycle
They wish I was trapped in the system
A 6 foot tall black guy like me
That would've been a wrap in an instant
That's why I gotta speak my mind, I'mma say how it is and I never say sorry
Keep my mouth shut like Winston and Tracy fam, over my dead body

(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

Too much TV, too many newspapers got a nigga thinking evil
Got me thinking I'm looking at my enemy when I'm looking at my own people
Notice when a white man looks at my watch I think he's trying to pay me a compliment
When a black man looks at my watch I think he's trying to knock my confidence (mad)
I was in Amsterdam smoking blue cheese and I had an epiphany
All these negative preconceptions just bring more negativity
Instead of investing in new businesses they buy new artillery
Everybody in the hood wants to spray a 16 and I don't mean lyrically
Underdog psychosis spreading around in the hood like flu
Security guards follow me around like I ain't got 2 pounds to pay for my juice
Now all this bullshit got me smoking this stupid zoot
Tell Boris he's lucky that I made it rapping or I would've been looting too
Niggas ain't got GCSEs still don't wanna work for a minimum wage
These days man will murder a man for a box of grade
Every time the .38 barrel spins Martin Luther turns in the grave
It's real life, no computer game, we're living in the streets of rage

(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

(As the days keep turning
As the world keeps burning
As my soul keeps learning
Tears fall from the castles around my heart)

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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